Filed: December 26, 1995
legal and professional services of interest to senior citizens and their families in the areas of estate planning, medical…
Owned by: Wold, Jacobs & Johnson, P.A.
Serial Number: 75038378
Image Trademark
Filed: January 11, 1996
legal services of interest to senior citizens and their families, in the areas of estate planning, medical assistance, trusts…
Owned by: Wold, Jacobs & Johnson, P.A.
Serial Number: 75047021
Filed: March 1, 1996
legal services of interest to senior citizens
Owned by: Wold, Jacobs & Johnson, P.A.
Serial Number: 75066213
Filed: June 20, 1996
legal services of interest to senior citizens and their families in the areas of estate planning, medical assistance, trusts…
Owned by: Wold, Jacobs & Johnson, P.A.
Serial Number: 75122501