Filed: October 7, 2020Non-medicated hand soaps; Non-medicated liquid soapsOwned by: VEERT LLCSerial Number: 90239777
Filed: October 7, 2020Scented candlesOwned by: VEERT LLCSerial Number: 90239796
Filed: October 7, 2020Jewelry; Jewelry made in whole or significant part of onyx and malachite; Jewelry made in whole or significant part of 24k…Owned by: VEERT LLCSerial Number: 90239839
Filed: June 3, 2022Footwear; Headwear; Clothing, namely, tops, shirts, tank tops, bottoms, pants, shorts, dresses, skirts, swimwear, pajamas…Owned by: VEERT LLCSerial Number: 97442529