Filed: May 14, 1993
PC-based hardware and software used to test and monitor digital datacommunications facilities
Owned by: Testlink Corp.
Serial Number: 74390576
Filed: July 31, 1995
PC-Based hardware and software used to test and monitor T-1 datacommunciations facilities
Owned by: Testlink Corp.
Serial Number: 74707920
Filed: July 31, 1995
PC-based hardware and software used to test and monitor T-1 datacommunications facilities
Owned by: Testlink Corp.
Serial Number: 74708303
Filed: February 27, 1996
computer hardware and software used to test and monitor ISDN data communications facilities
Owned by: Testlink Corp.
Serial Number: 75064214
Filed: June 6, 1996
computer hardware and software used to test and monitor data communications facilities
Owned by: Testlink Corp.
Serial Number: 75115239
Filed: June 6, 1996
computer hardware and software used to test and monitor data communications facilities
Owned by: Testlink Corp.
Serial Number: 75216033