Computer software that provides web-based access for processing and delivering spoken messages or content through a portal…
Owned by: SpinVox Limited
Serial Number: 77523193
Computer software and hardware for managing voice mail, computer software and hardware for converting voice mail to text…
Owned by: SpinVox Limited
Serial Number: 77523285
Computer software for use in performing voice to text conversion processes and techniques
Owned by: SpinVox Limited
Serial Number: 77527063
Computer software for use in performing voice to text conversion processes and techniques
Owned by: SpinVox Limited
Serial Number: 77527077
Computer software for use in performing voice to text conversion processes and techniques
Owned by: SpinVox Limited
Serial Number: 77527082
Computer software for use in performing voice to text conversion processes and techniques
Owned by: SpinVox Limited
Serial Number: 77551333