Filed: September 16, 1991
sunshields for motor vehicles
Owned by: Sanders, John M.
Serial Number: 74204226
Filed: October 10, 1991
foldable shades, sunshields, sunshades, accordian windshield shades and clips for holding folded shades, sunshields, and…
Owned by: Sanders, John M.
Serial Number: 74211065
Filed: March 30, 1992
paper and cardboard collapsible sun screens
Owned by: Sanders, John M.
Serial Number: 74260892
Filed: June 30, 1992
foldable, accordian, roll-up, and collapsible sun shields, sun screens, sun shades, and sun light filters for motor vehicles…
Owned by: Sanders, John M.
Serial Number: 74289855
Filed: September 2, 1992
interior and exterior foldable, accordion, roll-up, and collapsible sun shields, sun screens, sun shades, windshield covers…
Owned by: Sanders, John M.
Serial Number: 74309919
Filed: October 23, 1992
interior and exterior foldable, accordion, roll-up, and collapsible sunshields, sunscreens, sunshades, windshield covers…
Owned by: Sanders, John M.
Serial Number: 74324887
Filed: October 23, 1992
windshield covers, rear window covers, window covers, and vehicle covers
Owned by: Sanders, John M.
Serial Number: 74324888
Filed: December 2, 1992
interior and exterior foldable, accordion, roll-up, and collapsible sun shields, sun screens, sunshades, windshield covers…
Owned by: Sanders, John M.
Serial Number: 74335949
Filed: February 1, 1993
interior and exterior foldable, accordion, roll-up, and collapsible sun shields, sun screens, sunshades, windshield covers…
Owned by: Sanders, John M.
Serial Number: 74354552
Filed: March 22, 1993
interior and exterior foldable, accordion, roll-up, and collapsible sun shields, sun screens, sunshades, windshield covers…
Owned by: Sanders, John M.
Serial Number: 74369981
Filed: April 27, 1993
interior and exterior foldable, accordion, roll-up, and collapsible sun shields, sun screens, sunshades, windshield covers…
Owned by: Sanders, John M.
Serial Number: 74382916
Image Trademark
Filed: June 28, 1993
interior and exterior sun shields, sun screens, sunshades, windshield covers, sunlight filters, and window protective covers…
Owned by: Sanders, John M.
Serial Number: 74406123
Filed: September 1, 1993
interior and exterior foldable, accordion, roll-up, self storing and collapsible sun shields, sunscreens, sun shades, windshield…
Owned by: Sanders, John M.
Serial Number: 74430831
Image Trademark
Filed: February 10, 1997
Water, ice and sediment traps for land and water vehicles
Owned by: Sanders, John M.
Serial Number: 75239245
Image Trademark
Filed: April 18, 1997
motion indicators, namely, speed dial pointers for land and water vehicles
Owned by: Sanders, John M.
Serial Number: 75277388