Filed: December 2, 1993
computer utility software subroutine for use with an externally placed endoscope that is positioned stereotactically
Owned by: Radionics Software Applications, Inc.
Serial Number: 74464827
Filed: December 2, 1993
computer software for use in cranial brachy therapy planning
Owned by: Radionics Software Applications, Inc.
Serial Number: 74464828
Filed: January 23, 1995
computer software for use in medical imaging in the fields of neurosurgery, surgical planning and radiation therapy
Owned by: Radionics Software Applications, Inc.
Serial Number: 74624154
Filed: February 20, 1996
neurosurgical instrument, namely, an articulated mechanical arm, computer, computer display user interface, and graphic…
Owned by: Radionics Software Applications, Inc.
Serial Number: 75059941
Filed: February 20, 1996
computer software for use in the field of neurosurgery to provide planning of stereotactic neurosurgery
Owned by: Radionics Software Applications, Inc.
Serial Number: 75060158
Filed: February 20, 1996
computer software for use in the field of neurosurgery to provide planning of stereotactic neurosurgery
Owned by: Radionics Software Applications, Inc.
Serial Number: 75060159
Filed: March 26, 1996
surgical instrument, namely an articulated mechanical arm, computer, computer software and display for providing interactive…
Owned by: Radionics Software Applications, Inc.
Serial Number: 75079020