side-entry whirlpool bathing systems consisting of whirlpools for use primarily in hospitals, nursing homes and assisted…
Owned by: Penner Manufacturing, Inc.
Serial Number: 77714126
recumbent whirlpool bathing systems for assistive bathing and therapeutic use consisting of whirlpools which are height…
Owned by: Penner Manufacturing, Inc.
Serial Number: 77714138
whirlpool bathing systems consisting of whirlpool baths for use primarily in hospitals, nursing homes and assisted living…
Owned by: Penner Manufacturing, Inc.
Serial Number: 77714146
Filed: July 25, 2019
side entry whirlpool bathing system, namely, a whirlpool bathing system with warm air water circulation technology for use…
Owned by: Penner Manufacturing, Inc.
Serial Number: 88536161