Computer software used to store, manage and process all parking rights data to facilitate enforcement and report generation…
Owned by: Parkmobile North America BV
Serial Number: 77790871
Computer software used to manage and process the payment of parking transactions by telephone or PDA; Downloadable software…
Owned by: Parkmobile North America BV
Serial Number: 77790889
Computer software used to manage and process the payment of fees charged by local governments for the use of cars within…
Owned by: Parkmobile North America BV
Serial Number: 77790891
Computer software used to manage and process parking violations; Downloadable software used to manage and process parking…
Owned by: Parkmobile North America BV
Serial Number: 77790898
Computer software used to manage parking permits online; Downloadable software used to manage parking permits online; Computer…
Owned by: Parkmobile North America BV
Serial Number: 77790932