Filed: June 23, 1994
computer programs for use in three dimensional computer graphics, and instruction manual sold as a unit
Owned by: Okino Computer Graphics, Inc.
Serial Number: 74541429
Filed: April 19, 1996
services relating to computer software and computer hardware, namely services relating to the design, development, research…
Owned by: Okino Computer Graphics, Inc.
Serial Number: 75091394
Filed: July 1, 1996
computer programs for use in three dimensional computer graphics, in particular the viewing and data translation of three…
Owned by: Okino Computer Graphics, Inc.
Serial Number: 75127446
Computer software for viewing, searching, rendering, optimizing, manipulating and translating of graphics files
Owned by: Okino Computer Graphics, Inc.
Serial Number: 78579956
Computer programs used to perform 2D, 3D and multi-media file format conversion, 3D rendering, 2D vector rendering, 2D bitmap…
Owned by: Okino Computer Graphics, Inc.
Serial Number: 78579958
Filed: May 5, 2016
Computer graphics software for viewing, rendering, analyzing, optimization, manipulation, conversion and translation of…
Owned by: Okino Computer Graphics, Inc.
Serial Number: 87025627