Kim, Ki Uk Trademarks
Filed: June 19, 2020
Diagnostic kits comprised of medical diagnostic reagents and assays for testing of bodily fluids for use in the detection…
Owned by: Kim, Sung Oog, Kim, Ki Uk and Kim, Jihoon
Serial Number: 90011914
Filed: June 19, 2020
Diagnostic kits comprised of medical diagnostic reagents and assays for testing of bodily fluids for use in the detection…
Owned by: Kim, Sung Oog, Kim, Ki Uk and Kim, Jihoon
Serial Number: 90011923
Filed: June 19, 2020
Diagnostic kits comprised of medical diagnostic reagents and assays for testing of bodily fluids for use in the detection…
Owned by: Kim, Sung Oog, Kim, Ki Uk and Kim, Jihoon
Serial Number: 90011932