A biomechanical medical device to heal the discs of the human spine used externally on the back by the patient.
Owned by: Kamerman, Brett Padraic
Serial Number: 78057997
Biomedical apparatus for the external treatment of spinal disc disorder, through vertebrae manipulation of use by patients…
Owned by: Kamerman, Brett Padraic
Serial Number: 78081936
Biomedical apparatus for the external treatment of spinal disc disorder, through vertebrae manipulation for use by patients…
Owned by: Kamerman, Brett Padraic
Serial Number: 78089064
Biomedical apparatus for the external treatment of spinal disc disorder, through vertebrae manipulation for use by patients…
Owned by: Kamerman, Brett Padraic
Serial Number: 78162034
medical apparatus, namely a wrap around belt attached to a spring like device for decompressing intervertebral discs, relieving…
Owned by: Kamerman, Brett Padraic
Serial Number: 78286517