IATROMED, INC. Trademarks
Filed: January 16, 1990
electromognetic field generators, splints, braces, external fixators, internal fixators, and joint replacements for the…
Owned by: IATROMED, INC.
Serial Number: 74018930
Filed: June 15, 1990
cell manipulation devices for use in laboratory research
Owned by: IATROMED, INC.
Serial Number: 74069629
Filed: July 27, 1990
electrical data interface device used in transmitting medical data within a medical device or between medical devices, wherein…
Owned by: IATROMED, INC.
Serial Number: 74082712
Filed: July 27, 1990
therapeutic medical device; namely, a magnetic field generator and manipulator used to repair, regenerate or remodel tissue…
Owned by: IATROMED, INC.
Serial Number: 74082713