computer software for generating geographic information displays and analysis for business decision support; administration…
Owned by: Harvard Design and Mapping Co., Inc.
Serial Number: 75897700
computer software for generating geographic information displays and analysis for business decision support; and database…
Owned by: Harvard Design and Mapping Co., Inc.
Serial Number: 76018618
computer software for generating geographic information displays and analysis for decision support
Owned by: Harvard Design and Mapping Co., Inc.
Serial Number: 76421379
Filed: June 14, 2002
computer software for encrypting geographic data, and computer software for generating geographic information displays and…
Owned by: Harvard Design and Mapping Co., Inc.
Serial Number: 76421436
computer software for encrypting geographic data; computer software for generating geographic information displays and analysis…
Owned by: Harvard Design and Mapping Co., Inc.
Serial Number: 76421437
Computer software for generating geographic information displays and analysis for decision support with respect to a portfolio…
Owned by: Harvard Design and Mapping Co., Inc.
Serial Number: 77080590
Computer software for generating geographic information displays and analysis for decision support with respect to a portfolio…
Owned by: Harvard Design and Mapping Co., Inc.
Serial Number: 77080592
Filed: December 16, 2002
computer software for generating geographic information displays and analysis for business support; and database management…
Owned by: Harvard Design and Mapping Co., Inc.
Serial Number: 78195060
providing information about entities, individuals and resources in connection with geographic data systems, namely,providing…
Owned by: Harvard Design and Mapping Co., Inc.
Serial Number: 78216128
communication-enabling software for mediating between two geospatial application programs across a computer network by providing…
Owned by: Harvard Design and Mapping Co., Inc.
Serial Number: 78262653
providing on-line non-downloadable software for providing loss history calculations for use in insurance underwriting
Owned by: Harvard Design and Mapping Co., Inc.
Serial Number: 78533915
providing a clearinghouse for geographic information
Owned by: Harvard Design and Mapping Co., Inc.
Serial Number: 78662915