Garo Dott. Ing. Roberto Gabbioneta S.p.A. Trademarks
Filed: May 16, 2002
Compressors and liquid ring vacuum pumps, blowers
Owned by: Garo Dott. Ing. Roberto Gabbioneta S.p.A.
Serial Number: 78129272
Compressors, namely, compressors for air conditioners, compressors for compression of various gaseous and gas-vapor mediums…
Owned by: Garo Dott. Ing. Roberto Gabbioneta S.p.A.
Serial Number: 78144947
Filed: October 24, 2017
Installation, maintenance and repair of pumps, compressors, blowers and pump, compressor and blower systems, and accessories…
Owned by: Garo Dott. Ing. Roberto Gabbioneta S.p.A.
Serial Number: 87657057