Filed: March 19, 1990
computer software for performing data reduction and formating data for display purposes on individual users computer monitor…
Owned by: ECHO Data, Inc.
Serial Number: 74039648
Filed: March 19, 1990
computer software for generating two and three dimensional graphic representations of matrix data for users with computer…
Owned by: ECHO Data, Inc.
Serial Number: 74039649
Filed: March 19, 1990
computer software for analysis and graphical representation of large data sets for users with multivariant data being analyzed…
Owned by: ECHO Data, Inc.
Serial Number: 74039650
Filed: May 7, 1990
computer software for analysis of matrix data and for the visualization of such data on a user's computer monitor
Owned by: ECHO Data, Inc.
Serial Number: 74056270
Filed: May 7, 1990
computer software used to create graphic displays from analytical data
Owned by: ECHO Data, Inc.
Serial Number: 74056840