Filed: April 21, 2023
Bath and shower gels and salts not for medical purposes; Bleaching salts; Body splash; Breath freshening preparations for…
Owned by: Dai, Licheng
Serial Number: 97899966
Filed: April 21, 2023
Anti-inflammatory sprays; Concentrated saline capsules for sinus and nasal irrigation; Dry ingredients for making a saline…
Owned by: Dai, Licheng
Serial Number: 97899973
Filed: April 21, 2023
Hematimeters; Sphygmotensiometers; Aerosol masks for medical use; Appliances for washing body cavities; Blood pressure monitors…
Owned by: Dai, Licheng
Serial Number: 97899982
Image Trademark
Filed: April 22, 2023
Hematimeters; Sphygmotensiometers; Aerosol masks for medical use; Appliances for washing body cavities; Blood pressure monitors…
Owned by: Dai, Licheng
Serial Number: 97902258
Image Trademark
Filed: April 22, 2023
Bath and shower gels and salts not for medical purposes; Bleaching salts; Body splash; Breath freshening preparations for…
Owned by: Dai, Licheng
Serial Number: 97902279
Image Trademark
Filed: April 22, 2023
Anti-inflammatory sprays; Concentrated saline capsules for sinus and nasal irrigation; Dry ingredients for making a saline…
Owned by: Dai, Licheng
Serial Number: 97902289