Computer software for managing customer information and accounts, for use by companies that provide basic utility services…
Owned by: Daffron & Associates, Inc.
Serial Number: 78718155
Custom computer programming for companies providing basic utility services to homes and businesses; software development…
Owned by: Daffron & Associates, Inc.
Serial Number: 78718356
Custom computer programming for companies providing basic utility services to homes and businesses; software development…
Owned by: Daffron & Associates, Inc.
Serial Number: 78718360
Computer software for managing information relating to customers, finances and materials in the fields of use and management…
Owned by: Daffron & Associates, Inc.
Serial Number: 78726067
Computer software for managing information relating to customers, finances and materials in the fields of use and management…
Owned by: Daffron & Associates, Inc.
Serial Number: 78726072