Development of new technology for others in the field of Biotechnology
Owned by: Conagen Inc.
Serial Number: 86216681
Development of new technology for others in the field of Biotechnology
Owned by: Conagen Inc.
Serial Number: 86216691
Development of new technology for others in the field of Biotechnology
Owned by: Conagen Inc.
Serial Number: 86216699
Filed: October 30, 2019
biologics, namely, antibodies, and antigens for in vitro scientific or research use, all produced by engineered microbial…
Owned by: Conagen Inc.
Serial Number: 88674048
Filed: October 30, 2019
biologics, namely, antibodies, and antigens for in vitro scientific or research use, all produced by engineered microbial…
Owned by: Conagen Inc.
Serial Number: 88674141
Filed: December 18, 2019
ingredients manufactured by biosynthesis for use in further manufacturing of food, beverage, flavors, and fragrances, namely…
Owned by: Conagen Inc.
Serial Number: 88732066
Filed: October 30, 2019
custom manufacturing of biologics including antibodies, antigens, and vaccines using microbial cells, microbes, and/or microbial…
Owned by: Conagen Inc.
Serial Number: 88982846
Filed: October 30, 2019
custom manufacturing of biologics including antibodies, antigens, and vaccines using microbial cells, microbes, and/or microbial…
Owned by: Conagen Inc.
Serial Number: 88982847
Filed: December 18, 2019
custom manufacturing of natural food, beverage, flavor, and fragrance ingredients, including natural ingredients manufactured…
Owned by: Conagen Inc.
Serial Number: 88982848