Filed: September 18, 1996
compositions for use in the inactivation of pathogens and cells for scientific or research use; [ diagnostic preparations…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 75167926
Filed: September 18, 1996
apparatus for scientific research in the fields of molecular biology and immunology, namely, light boxes, containers and…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 75167945
Filed: September 18, 1996
pharmaceuticals, namely, compositions for use in the inactivation of pathogens and cells for medical [or diagnostic] use…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 75167994
Filed: September 18, 1996
devices, namely, medical light boxes, containers and synthetic tubing for blood or other bodily fluids, applied to blood…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 75168137
Filed: June 11, 1997
compositions for use in the inactivation of pathogens and cells for scientific or research use; [ diagnostic preparations…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 75306879
Filed: June 11, 1997
devices, namely, medical light boxes, containers and synthetic tubing for blood or other bodily fluids, applied to blood…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 75306928
Filed: June 11, 1997
devices, namely, light boxes, containers and tubing for blood or other bodily fluids; filters, compound removal devices…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 75306949
Filed: June 11, 1997
pharmaceuticals, namely, compositions for use in the inactivation of pathogens and cells for medical or diagnostic use;…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 75306974
Filed: May 21, 1998
preparations and compositions for use in the inactivation of pathogens and cells for scientific or research use; diagnostic…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 75488845
Filed: May 21, 1998
medical devices, namely, medical light boxes, containers and synthetic tubing for blood or other bodily fluids, applied…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 75489332
Filed: May 21, 1998
pharmaceuticals, namely, compositions for use in the inactivation of pathogens and cells for medical or diagnostic use;…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 75489342
Filed: May 21, 1998
apparatus for scientific research in the fields of molecular biology and immunology, namely, light boxes, containers and…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 75489343
medical apparatus, namely, medical light boxes, containers and medical synthetic tubing for blood or other bodily fluids…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 75803254
pharmaceuticals preparations for use in the inactivation of pathogens and cells for medical of diagnostic use; pharmaceutical…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 75803281
devices, namely, medical light boxes, containers and synthetic tubing for blood or other bodily fluids, applied to blood…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 75896126
pharmaceuticals, namely, compositions for use in the inactivation of pathogens and cells for medical or diagnostic use;…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 75896135
Compositions for use in the inactivation of pathogens in blood and blood components, namely, platelets, plasma and red blood…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 76309693
Compositions for use in the inactivation of pathogens in blood and blood components, namely, platelets, plasma and red blood…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 76540885
biological and chemical preparations for use in the inactivation of pathogens in blood and blood components, namely, platelets…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 78899794
medical processing instruments, namely, ultraviolet light boxes for the inactivation of viruses, bacteria and other pathogens…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 78899798
Image Trademark
Blood and blood components, namely, platelets, plasma and red blood cells; compositions for use in the processing and storage…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 87221076
Image Trademark
Filed: October 31, 2016
Computer software for managing the production and processing of blood and blood components; computer software for controlling…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 87221079
Image Trademark
Filed: October 31, 2016
Medical processing instruments, namely, blood processing instruments and illumination devices for the production of blood…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 87221081
Image Trademark
Filed: December 20, 2017
Blood and blood components for medical purposes, namely, platelets, plasma and red blood cells; reagents for processing…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 87729076
Filed: April 15, 2020
Recorded Computer software for managing the production and processing of blood and blood components; recorded computer software…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 88873280
Filed: April 15, 2020
Medical processing instruments, namely, instruments and illumination devices for the production of blood components and…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 88873285
Filed: April 15, 2020
Blood and blood components for medical purposes, namely, platelets, plasma, and red blood cells; biological preparations…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 88873292
Filed: November 25, 2020
Medical devices for use in the preparation of pathogen inactivated blood products; blood processing apparatus, namely, blood…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 90342443
Filed: July 16, 2021
Blood products for medical purposes, namely, for the treatment and control of bleeding; Pathogen inactivated blood for medical…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 90833551
Image Trademark
Filed: January 25, 2022
Medical processing instruments, namely, instruments and illumination devices for the production of blood components and…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 97237774
Filed: March 7, 2025
Blood products, pathogen inactivated blood, pathogen inactivated blood products, and pathogen reduced blood products, all…
Owned by: Cerus Corporation
Serial Number: 99073125