C.M.P (Castiglionese Metalli Preziosi) S.R.L. Trademarks


Filed: April 15, 1998
Jewelry, namely-- necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, brooches, pendants, cufflinks, tiepins, all made of precious metals…
Owned by: C.M.P (Castiglionese Metalli Preziosi) S.R.L.
Serial Number: 75468319

428 AR

428 AR

Filed: April 15, 1998
Jewelry, namely-- necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, brooches, pendants, cufflinks, tiepins, all made of precious metals…
Owned by: C.M.P (Castiglionese Metalli Preziosi) S.R.L.
Serial Number: 75468571