Almonte Vargas, Francisco D. Trademarks
Filed: December 17, 2023
Ashtrays; Ashtrays for smokers; Ashtrays for smokers made of non-precious metals; Ashtrays for smokers made of precious…
Owned by: Almonte Vargas, Francisco D.
Serial Number: 98318231
Filed: December 19, 2023
Ashtrays; Ashtrays for smokers; Ashtrays for smokers made of non-precious metals; Ashtrays for smokers made of precious…
Owned by: Almonte Vargas, Francisco D.
Serial Number: 98321158
Filed: December 19, 2023
Ashtrays; Ashtrays for smokers; Ashtrays for smokers made of non-precious metals; Ashtrays for smokers made of precious…
Owned by: Almonte Vargas, Francisco D.
Serial Number: 98321204