Metal goods Trademarks Filed in February 22, 2020


Filed: February 22, 2020
Fire prevention; a metal box that fits inside the wall of building that will not allow fires to happen
Owned by: SafetyIsFirst LLC
Serial Number: 88806892



Filed: February 22, 2020
Cast steel; Steel alloys; Anti-friction metal, namely, namely, tin, copper, antimony and lead, and alloys thereof, for use…
Owned by: Aero Engine Corporation of China
Serial Number: 88806934

Image Trademark

Image Trademark

Filed: February 22, 2020
Cast steel; Steel alloys; Anti-friction metal, namely, tin, copper, antimony and lead, and alloys thereof, for use in the…
Owned by: Aero Engine Corporation of China
Serial Number: 88806936