Image Trademark with Serial Number 98709541
Status: 630 - New Application - Record Initialized Not Assigned To Examiner
Serial Number
630 - New Application - Record Initialized Not Assigned To Examiner
Status Date
Filing Date
Description of Mark
The mark consists of "ICON" example within a spacial and geo-spatial modular economic operating systems of components and applications combined across industries, assets, news and media.he marks consist from words to 3d immutable objects from one source and or are considered spectral or molecular. In addition this may cover anything similar to a qr code. But on a more definitive layer by technology described in patent applications or otherwise. But work within a operating system and are comprised of many push button and non invasive biometrics. But does not limit the TM to the actual trademarks on legacy web and or otherwise. Broken down into meta objects or specifically a unique "UUID" in laymens terms ,consisting of (gChain) an (passport) with a traverse pattern explosion and realignment. This consists of verification of time and space, spectral or pixil and photonic, phonon, IR, and or gryo operated photonic and phonon converted switches and routers uniquely scrambles encoded an streamed in sense and also within the geo and spatial operating system call xspat formally BYLT. Items are unique as one and references as mentioned in a system of immutable and unchangeable as with currency and or assets, BIM, products and or other products, assets, people and identification using and being able to be processed and stored using a multitude of failovers spanning invisible light, molecular, phototinics, embedds, and other materials and protections along with products and devices even xray or ultra sound may not penetrate with. Tamper resistant and or otherwise. The objects or data are brought together by authorized users as also access.
No claim is made to the exclusive right to use xSpat, gCHAIN, xSPAT, xBYLT, xCARE, PASSPORT, PASSPORT PRESS, PASSPORT BANK, xD, xD PASSPORT, GEO NEWS, AECx, TAKEOFFS, HARDHAT, MaterialsManagement, EarthMaterials, BYLT, bufulo, NeuroMatic, NeuroMatic Energy, NeuroMesh, NeuroMesh Connectivity, BidBox, ConveyanceTechnology, Passport Bank, CircleDrone, DgTwn, SuperiorConveyance, AGGRECLOUD, AGGRECHAIN, INLINE CHAIN, AQUAx, CAREx, GeoJustice, TAKEOFFS, North American Institute Of Construction Professionals NAICP, Benefit Corps Trust Of North America, BCTNA, MaterialsManagement Of North America , MMNA, AGGRECOST OF NORTH AMERICA BENEFIT CORP, AGGRECOST, LLLM, xRSS, CIrcleDrone, CircleTurbine, Sponge, USD-CHAIN, ProductsWe Do That™ AGGRECOST SLOGANPgM™ & PgE™ – Pogram Manager & Program Engineer – Certified Professionals, Educational ProgramsPrcE™ & PrcM™ – Process Engineer & Process Manager – Certified Professionals, Educational ProgramsCPgM™, CosT™, CostE™, QtyS™ – Cost Analysis & Survey Analysis – Certified Professionals, Educational ProgramsBIM-PgM™, DM-PgM™, BIM-DMx™ & xD™ – Building Information Modeling – Certified Professionals, Educational ProgramsDgTwn™ & PgM-7d™ – Digital Twins, 7D & xD™ – Certified Professionals, Educational ProgramsgChain™, LZRx™, GISx™ & GPRx™ – GIS & GEOSPATIAL – Certified Professionals, Educational ProgramsINFRAx, SURFx – Infrared and other combined technology imaging and protections – Certified Professionals, Educational ProgramsFLYx™, Drones And Drone Equipment – Certified Professionals, Educational ProgramsEMx™, Earth Material Science & Analysis – Certified Professionals, Educational ProgramsRFIDx™, NFx™, LDRx, GEOx™, UWBx™ AIRx™, OPTx™ – Wireless & Geospatial – Certified Professionals, Educational ProgramsRmgr™ – Risk Management – Certified Professionals, Educational ProgramsAECx MARKET DATA™ – Market Segment and Brands For Data DistributiongChain™ Geospatial & Spatial chain of custody/ledger technology not limited to including permits, land records, models, geological, crime, liens, data and titles etcAGGRECHAIN™ Ledger , Chain Of Custody Technology & Related Fields.bylt™ File type for modular component assets and connected mapping, data and availability, locations, recalls and versioning, specifications and qualifications, integrating and not limited to energy/environmental conveyance trackingbylt://™ Address protocol BUFULO™ and™ Code Program & Project Management With On Premise or Off Premise Versioning ControlTakeOffs™ and™ Accounting, HRM, ERP, CRM, PM etc, Lead Generation, quantities/assets/objects feed and sales automation including on-demand live/ai servicesAGGRECLOUD™ and™ Hosting and Custom Application Development Including CRM’s, ERP’s, & Open InfrastructureMATERIALS MANAGEMENT MARKET DATA™ – Market Segment and Brands For Data DistributionEARTH MATERIALS MARKET DATA™ – Market Segment and Brands For Data DistributionBYLT DATA™ or BYLT MARKET DATA™ – Market Segment and Brands For Data DistributionORALIAS DATA™ OR ORALIAS MARKET DATA™ – Market Segment and Brands For Data DistributionORALIAS™ and™PASSPORT™ Geo-spatial, Physical & Digital Aggregating Ledgers Per User Including Wallet/Accounting/Benefit Management/Inventory/Experience/Specs/Access Control etc. Can also be used to display data in reverse to/on http/www sites and applications providing data to public and or interaction with their employees or clients. Used in but not limited to decentralized and hybrid intranets & Internets and cloud or platforms including application entry control. Including but not limited to aggregated data sets based on industry vertical codes such as for healthcare, military, DOT, Construction and not limited to Manufacturing and other definable skill sets etc for example NAICS or client use case.SUPERIORCONVEYANCE.COM™ and SUPERIOR CONVEYANCE™ LLC – ALLBYLT™ – Modular Social Economic Infrastructure & Associated Infrastructure Withing Physical, Digital, Air, Devices, Batteries and other apparatus.BYLT OS™ BYLT SOS™SOS™ Social Operating SystemxRSS™ PROTOCOLS 1-2-3 (MULTI PROTOCOL FOR TRUE DECENTRALIZED PORTING TO INTERNET PROTOCOL, FAIL-OVER AND CONNECTIVITY, SECONDARY AND CONFIDENTIAL USES.xD™ Network or Digital Transmission In The Fields Mentioned With Interactive, Chain Of Custody Direct, Interactive and Immersive LayersHARDHAT™ Devices, Connected Devices, Protective Manufacturing Mixtures And or Related To Additive Mixtures Or Materials Specification or Certification In Product Manufacturing Protecting From New EMF HF, RF, EMF, WIFI, MM WAVE, Optical, Jamming or Extracting threats as well as natural and off grid events including EMP and Solar Flares. Products and integrated security devices for iOT, Alarms, And Notification Systems including wearables that monitor associated human interactions and injuries. Product refers to building design, computer, control panels and data center products in addition. Building products and specifications.BYLT MEDIA™BYLT NEWS™AECx News™EARTHMATERIALS.COM™ and EARTH MATERIALS™EARTH MATERIALS.NEWS™ and EARTH MATERIALS™™NOT LIMITED TO WHEREIN: AGGRECOST HAS AND SOLELY HAS RIGHTS NOT LIMITED TO CERTAIN INFRASTRUCTURE, SOCIAL, PLATFORM, SOFTWARE, SAAS, PAAS etc, CASHLESS/PHYSICAL & CURRENCIES, CRYPTOLESS, NFT/TOKEN-LESS, WIRELESS + INFRASTRUCTURE-LESS + APPARATUS-LESS or PRINT-LESS or PHYSICAL OTHERWISE KNOWN BANKING and Supply Chain or ECONOMIC or FINANCE NOT LIMITED TO TRANSACTIONAL or REDEEMABLE, AGGREGATED systems OR APPLICATION, STATIC & DYNAMICS, ENERGY, ENGINE, PROPULSION, BANKING, FINANCIAL, IDENTITY, “ZERO TRUST”, NETWORK SECURITY, SUPPLY CHAIN, AEC, MANUFACTURING, CONSULTING, PROGRAMMATIC, TRANSACTIONAL, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, NEURO, MACHINE LEARNING, MEDIA, TRANSPORT, COMMUNICATION, MESSAGING OR POSTS TRANSACTIONAL, TRANSACTIONS, CURRENCY MEDIA, IMMERSIVE AND INTERACTIVE, ENTERTAINMENT, INVISIBLE LIGHT, WAVE, SOUND, KINETIC, ANALOG, OVER AIR, SUBSURFACE, WATER AND LIQUID, COMPOUND, LIGHT, FUSED OR PARTICLE, MECHANICAL, PHYSICAL, VIRTUAL, DIGITAL, MANUALLY, WRITTEN, REPORTING, AGGREGATE, AGGREGATION AND COMPOUNDING, STORAGE OR OTHERWISE INCLUDING DATA PROTECTION, STORAGE MECHANISM, DISTRIBUTION OR TRANSMISSION.Other terms or trade name, trademarks or research. Typical Example [COMMAND, SCHEMA, ACTION, EVENT AND NOT LIMITED TO OR COMBINATION OF TRADEMARK VARIABLES]SocialBifurcation EconomicBifurcation FinancialBifurcationSegmentBifurcation BifurcatedBanking™ BifurcatedBank™ BifurcatedTokens™ BifurcatedTokenization™ (PROPRIATARTY NON FUNGABLE TOKEN ALSO SUBJECT TO PATENT AND PROCESS PATENTS) Non existent prior to BYLT including current illegal patents BifurcatedDeposits™ BifurcatedTransaction™ BifurcatedDollar™ BifurcatedCoin™ BifurcatedCheck™ BifurcatedCredit™ BifurcatedLOC™ BifurcatedIdentification™ BifurcatedCertification™ BifurcatedTaxpayer™ DynamicalBifurcatedTaxpayer™ BifurcatedCompany™ BifurcatedStructure™ BifurcatedObject™ BifurcatedRecord™ BifurcatedBlockchain™ BifucatedOperatingSystem™ BifucatedOS™ SphericalHarmonicBlockChain™ SphericalDynamicInventory SphericalDynamicAsset SphericalDynamicEvent BifucatedWeb™ BifucatedCloud™ BifucatedConnectivity™ BifucatedLedger™ BifurcationSystems™ DynamicalBifurcation™ BifucatedSearch™ BifucatedOperatingSystem™ NeuralSponge™ Sponge-Memory™ SpongeMemory™ SpongeHardware™ VirtualSponge™ SpongeDevices™ SpongeSystems™ SpongeCache™ SpongeCompute™ SpongeServers™ NumaticNueroCache™ NumaticCache™ SpongeConnectivity™ SpongeTransmission™ ReactiveSponge™ NeuroReactivity™ ImmunoReactivity™ ImmunoLogicalMemory™ ImmunoSphericalLogicalAds™ ImmuniLogicalSearch™ DynamicImmuniLogicalSearch™ DynamicImmuniLogicalContracts™ DynamicImmuniLogicalZeroKnowledge™ DynamicImmuniLogicalZeroProof™ DynamicImmuniLogicalZeroTrust™ DynamicImmuniLogicalSurety™ DynamicImmuniLogicalAssets™ DynamicImmuniLogicalFinance™ DynamicImmuniLogicalEmployee™ DynamicImmuniLogicalRecords™ DynamicImmuniInfrared™ (Near Frequecy Exchanges With Read/Write/Charge/Transmit Both Biological, Thermal And Synthetics] DynamicImmuniInfraredHybridRFID™ DynamicEmbeddedData™ in all manufactured products and sensors for connected or modular plug in play analytics, safety, monitoring, ESG, Lifecycle and more. DynamicEmbedded™ Device Protections & Monitoring From Catastrophic Failure, Flooding, Solar Flares, EMP, Extreme Heat or any other event DynanmicImmutable™ no source of failure, self healing minimum power and racks, batteries can be retired with NeuroPneumatic™ Integrations BifurcatingSpongeMemory™ DynamicBifurcation™ DynamicBurificaton™ DynamicSpongeBurification™ CacheSponge™ DynamicSpongEnergy DynamcicDiode DynamicDiodeReceiver SphericalOptical [exterior, interior or embedded points to points, client or server, type of omni communications and or compute] SphericalOpticalReactiveHybridTransmissions SphericalHarmonic SphericalHarmonicDynamicMesh [A Combination Of Connected Systems And Connections Or Devices With Or Without Backbone Infrastructure Worldwide] SphericalHarmonicEnergy CartoCache CartoCache DynamicGeospatialHolistics Sponge™ Storage, Process And Compute Single Membrane Drainable On Demand. Not Working Like Traditional Systems Or Devices Sponge™ Video Protocol Sponge™ Stream ProtocolNeuromaticEnergy™ NeuroPneumatics™ AquaPneumatics™NeuroPneumatics™NeuroMatic™NeuroMesh™NeuroMatic Compute™NeuroMatic Networks™Schema, Proprietary Computation Of Products & Trade or Meta Sources, International Compatibility.With Hundreds of thousands industry matrix codes and to products or assets already in the systems. We in addition have entry data broken down per industry to automate loading, containers, vehicles, down to pallet charges. We also have to schema match international compliance and other trade-groups beyond North America as they catch up. We do not list those here. But base protocol that is disclosable has been initially submitted for proper identifications or when it surfaces to the internet protocol that exists today to remain interoperable. _____________________________________________________________________________________DOMAINS, TRADE NAMES OR OTHERWISEDomains Considered Trade names and TrademarksDOMAINS OWNED (NOT LIMITED TO)acrx.appacrx.exchangeacrx.newsaec-x.exchangeaecx.appaecx.newsagglayers.comaggrechain.comaggrecloud.comaggrecost.comaggrecost.exchangeaggrecost.newsaggrecost.orgaggrelayer.comaqua-x.exchangeaquapneumatic.comaquapneumatics.comaquax.appaquax.exchangeaquax.newsbestconstructionblogs.combestconstructionnewswebsites.combidbeam.appbidbox.appbidbox.exchangebidbox.newsbufulo.combufulo.exchangebufulo.newsbylt.appbylt.exchangebylt.newscachesponge.comcare-x.exchangecarex.exchangecarex.networkcarex.newscartocache.comcartocache.orgconveyancetechnology.comdynamicspongeburification.comdynamicspongeenergy.comearthmaterials.exchangeearthmaterials.newsgeojustice.orghardhat.technologyhid.technologyimmunilogicalsearch.comimmunoreactivity.cominline-chain.cominlineblockchain.comlllmna.orgmaterialsmanagement.appmaterialsmanagement.exchangematerialsmanagement.newsmeshconnectivity.commycarex.comnaicp.orgneural-connectivity.comneuralmesh.mobineuralmesh.techneuralmesh.technologyneuralmesh.tvneuralmeshconnectivity.comneuralsponge.orgneuro-matic.comneuro-mesh.comneuroaquamatic.comneuroaquamatics.comneuromaticenergy.comneuromesh.orgneuromesh.technologyneuromesh.tvneuromeshconnectivity.comneuropneumatic.comneuropneumaticenergy.comneuropneumatics.comneuroreactivity.comnumaticcache.comnumaticnuerocache.comoralias.comoralias.newspassport.academypassport.lawpassport.systemspassportbank.orgshorelinesepticandexcavation.comshorelinesite.comshorelinex.comsphericalharmonic.comsphericalharmonicenergy.comsphericaloptical.comspon, apart from the mark as shown.
Goods and Services
Chemical additives for fracturing fluid for use in oil and gas wells; Cationic surfactants as raw materials for use in the manufacture of industrial products, consumer and household products; Deionized water; Adhesives for cement manufactured products; Adhesives for use in the construction industry; Chemical products for preventing scale; Heavy water; Salt for water softening; Chemicals for use in industry and science; Polymers and polymeric additives for use in the manufacture of industrial products, consumer and household products, sealants, and automotive fluids; Oxygenated distilled water; Polymers and polymeric additives for use in the manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations, plastics, cosmetics, personal care products, coatings, adhesives, and lubricants; Alkaline-earth metals; Waterproofing membranes in liquid chemical form for use in construction; Spray-on plastic compound for temporary application to bathroom and kitchen fixtures for protection from damage during construction or remodeling; Chemical products for brightening dyestuffs; De-icing chemical liquids used in the construction, janitorial and industrial sectors; Diagnostic preparations used in science; Drilling muds for use in oil well drilling; Biodegradable anionic surfactants as raw materials for use in the manufacture of industrial products, consumer and household products; Biologically active enzymes and microorganisms that are aimed at sanitising water environments and to treat the activation and optimisation of biological filter systems; Adhesive chemicals for improving the performance and duration of chemical products for use in industry; Chemical product for neutralizing stainless alloys of steel, iron and metals of various colors; Distilled water; Biological preparations for use in industry and science; Diatomaceous earth for use as a plastic filler, chemical carrier, resin admixture; Proppant for use in oil well and gas well hydraulic fracturing operations; Water softening chemicals; Chemical additives for oil well drilling fluids; Soil stabilizers for use in road construction; Polymers, biopolymers, polymeric additives and biopolymeric additives for use in the manufacture of industrial products, consumer and household products, sealants or packaging; Amides and betaines as raw materials for use in the manufacture of industrial products, consumer and household products; Salts from rare earth metals; Construction industry adhesives; Ammonia water; Water softening pellets; Polymers and polymeric additives for use in the manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations, medical devices, plastics, cosmetics, personal care products, coatings, adhesives, and lubricants; Thermally processed lignin-cellulosic material from plants for use as an extender for plastic compounds in plastic products; Alloys of rare earth metals; Test particles for biodetection systems, biological analogues and microscopic carrier beads with chemically attached DNA fragments for use in testing the operation of equipment used for analyzing air for the presence of harmful biological substances; Viscous gel polymer in gel form for use in the manufacture of custom cushioned products; Rare earths; Rare earth metals; Waterproofing chemical compositions for articles of masonry, wood and other building and/or construction surfaces
Goods and Services
Water based fire retardant coatings for building construction materials; Coating compositions in the nature of paint containing thermosetting resins and thermoplastic resins used to coat metal products, for industrial applications; Synthetic resin paints for plastic products; Wood preservatives for fences and other construction purposes; Liquid primer coating for preparing a surface to receive a quaternary antimicrobial used to clean and disinfect buildings and products; Sienna earth as pigment; Water repellent paints; Ink for multifunction electronic devices for use in copying, printing, scanning, video capture or transmitting documents and images
Goods and Services
Common toilet water
Goods and Services
Mineral oils for use in the manufacture of other products; Oils, waxes for use in the manufacture of other products; Fuels and biofuels blended with chemicals and/or biological products
Goods and Services
Products and preparations for cleansing the skin for medical use; Calcium channel blockers; Wearable insect repelling devices for attachment to clothing sold pre-filled with insect repelling preparations; Implantable subcutaneous drug delivery devices sold filled with pharmaceutical preparations for any
Goods and Services
Cable thimbles of metal; Cable joints of metal, non-electric; Cable and pipe clips of metal; Clips of metal for cables; Metal hardware for use in descending ropes, namely, belay devices; Cladding of metal for construction and building; Metal cable wire; Building materials, namely, in-wall trash and recyclable containment system sold as a unit, namely, in-wall metal trash chute device for mounting and spring-loaded chute doors; Construction elements made of metal, namely, braces; Metal cable ties; Metal drains for use in construction of basement waterproofing systems; Metal diverting elements for cables, namely routing elements; Non-electric cables of metal; Water hose accessory in the nature of a plastic-coated steel cable having loops at each end that keeps a hose end straight when coupled to a spigot so as not to be damaged when the hose is stretched at a sharp angle; Metal drains for use in the construction of basement waterproofing systems; Non-electric cables and wires of common metals; Non-electric cables of common metal; Metal storm water dry wells; Construction materials, namely, metal toilet partitions; Metal construction materials, namely, exhaust vent hoses for external ventilation of furnaces, heaters, stoves and boilers; Metal components for metal protective and security window shutters, namely, slats, shutterboxes, side frames, end caps, crank handles, pull straps, side tracks, ball bearings and installation hardware, namely, rollers, rails, cables, carriers, pins, locks, clips, brackets and screws; Metal cable trays used in building construction; Steel angles for use in building construction; Metal concrete construction hardware, namely, load transfer dowels; Binding screws of metal for cables; Metal junction sleeves for non-electric cables; Vehicle rescue apparatus, namely, metal cables used to affix between vehicles to pull a jammed or stuck door of one of the vehicles; Construction materials, namely, metal piles; Drains of metal for use in the construction of basement waterproofing systems; Construction elements made of metal, namely, fabricated metal components for building foundations; Medical grade wire for use in the manufacture of medical devices; Pre-packaged kits containing metal hardware in the nature of suspension clamps, yoke plates and connecting links and electrical protection devices in the nature of insulators, corona rings, armor-rods and surge arresters, all of which attach or connect transmission conductors to high voltage electric transmission towers; Metal mine drilling and working platforms; Cable ties of metal; Metal profiles for arranging devices on and in walls, ceiling and other surfaces; Transportable metal constructions; Refractory construction materials of metal; Cable binding screws of metal; Metal drill pipes for use in well boring; Metal binding screws for cables; Cable linkages of metal, non-electric; Anchor bolts of metal for use in constructing bridges; Counterweight arbor assembly in the nature of a framework with weights in it made primarily of metal and also sometimes including non-metal parts for providing a counterweight for use assisting with the manually powered lifting by means of ropes, cables and/or chains of theatrical objects during the performance of theatrical productions; Mooring cables of metal; Water treatment equipment, namely, metal water storage basins for collecting and storing water; Metal cable clips; Cable clips of metal; Metal staples for construction or industrial use; Metal facade panels for construction purposes; Construction elements made of metal, namely, supports; Clips of metal for cables and pipes; Cable clamps of metal; Steel wire sand-line cable used for bailing and swabbing wells, checking the depth of wells, cleaning out wells, and cutting paraffin buildup inside the wells; Metal clips for cables and pipes; Metal cable and pipe clips; Cable stretchers and cincture stretchers of metal (clamp links); Construction elements made of metal, namely, shores; Non-electrical cables and wires of common metal; Metal cladding for construction and building; Metal brackets for use in the construction and assembly of decking; Anchor bolts of metal for use in bridge construction; Cable junction sleeves of metal; Metal mats for use as load support surfaces in the construction industry; Metal casings used to stabilize the wellbore in oil and gas wells; Cables of metal, non-electric; Materials of metal for railway construction
Goods and Services
Cutting devices being parts of machines; Machine elements not for land vehicles, namely, shock prevention devices for machines; Mine borers; Earth moving machines, namely, scarifiers; Conveyor accessories, namely, a conveyor belt washing device affixed to the conveyor with spray bar for flushing the conveyor belt with liquid; Well drilling machines; Oil-well pumping machines; Rubber tracks being parts of crawlers on construction machines; Concrete construction machines; Truck bed-mounted material handling machinery primarily for use in the construction materials delivery industry, namely, hydraulic extendable material conveyors, mechanical extendable material conveyors, and truck bed material lifting platforms; Replacement parts for machines, namely, replacement parts for trench excavators, drag-line excavators, hoisting machines, locomotive cranes, shoveling machines, power shovels and log handling machines, namely, chassis parts, hydraulic and pneumatic parts; Tire chains and over-the-tire track systems for skid-steer loaders and other construction machinery; Attachments for vehicles, namely, grapple buckets and blades for moving earth and loose objects; Blades for earth moving machines; Cable cranes; Cables for lifts; Bridge cranes; Enhancement parts for internal combustion engines in the nature of fuel treatment devices; Earth compacting machines; High-pressure pumps for use in oil or gas well hydraulic fracturing operations; Geotechnical drilling machines; Road construction machines; Crawler cranes; Cranes; Marine mounted dock cranes; Pneumatic ball transfer units for use in any; Machines for use in agriculture, namely, self-propelled seed sowers and self-propelled seed sowers combined with earth moving equipment; Underwater dredging machines; Earth drilling machines; Mud dredging machines; Fixed and mobile cranes; Lattice mast cranes; Earth moving machines, namely, scrapers; Buckets for earth moving machines; Mineral water making machines; Ball transfer table units for use in any; Ball transfer units for use in conveying and or moving in all wear and tear opeorations; Rail switch for an industrial conveyor assembly comprising straight and curved rails, upright bridge framework and pivoting gates for the transfer of product from one rail to another; Mobile dock cranes; Earth moving machines, namely, loaders; Gantry cranes; Machines for manufacturing prosthetic devices; Earth augers; Manufacturing machines for liquid crystal display devices; Attachments for well drilling machines in the nature of overshots; Overhead travelling cranes; Unloading cranes; Earth moving machines, namely, graders; Mobile cranes; Earth moving machines; Machines for the production and processing of web products, and structural parts thereof and lines composed thereof; Jib cranes; Pneumatic piercing machinery and auxiliary supportive devices used in the installation or replacement of utility pipe lines, cable lines, pipe tunnels and underground utility systems; Machine part in the nature of a device installed on a rotative press to produce corrugated boxes; Electrically-powered steam cleaning device comprising a hose and nozzle and a vapor-producing chamber that is attached to a water source; Earth moving machines, namely, backhoes; Fixed cranes; Machine elements not for land vehicles, namely, turntables and their rotating devices; Gravure cylinder prepress system, consisting of a coater device for coating gravure cylinders with thermal resist material, computerized imager device with a laser imaging head for imprinting on coated gravure cylinders; Robots for building construction; Locomotive cranes; Intake and exhaust air flow vane assembly device for use in an internal combustion engine; Truck cranes; Pneumatic pipe-ramming machinery and auxiliary supportive devices used in the installation or replacement of utility pipe lines, cable lines, pipe tunnels and underground utility systems; Oilfield production machines for extracting oil from geological layers and processing hydrocarbons; Anti-pollution devices for motors and engines; Assembling machines for liquid crystal display devices; Slurry blender machines for use in oil or gas well hydraulic fracturing operations; Ignition devices for motors of land vehicles; Wellbore fishing tools in the nature of overshots for use in the retrieval of components and equipment located in wells; Earth moving machines, namely, excavators; Oxygen cutting devices; Mechanical elements for use with land vehicles, namely, automobile turntables and their rotating devices for mechanical parking systems and garages; Oil field equipment, namely, drilling rig mechanical handling machines and devices; Tower cranes; Self-lubricating mechanical friction parts, especially of composite materials, namely, wear rings, washers, bushings, spherical bearings, bearing pads, sliding blocks and machine transmission gears all for load bearing machines, conveyors, handling trucks and machines, lifting machines, agricultural machinery, construction equipment machines and hydraulic turbines; Pneumatic pipe-bursting machinery and auxiliary supportive devices used in the installation or replacement of utility pipe lines, cable lines, pipe tunnels and underground utility systems; Curtain drawing devices, electrically operated; Machines for manufacturing orthopedic devices; Floating cranes; Power-driven cleaning device for industrial air pollution control equipment, namely, a device that produces high intensity impulse waves that loosen collected or impacted dust and debris without damaging the equipment; Rubber tracks being parts of construction machines; Dredging machines
Goods and Services
Utility tool belts for use in workers, drones, robotics, miners, offshore and any other tools and equipment; Earth rammers being hand tools; Manually-operated hand-held hoist device comprised primarily of a cord and a metal hook for the purpose of lifting hunting equipment into a treestand; Hand tools, namely, sheet metal shrinking and stretching device; Hand tools, namely, hand-operated reaching devices for picking up and removing trash, litter and objects; Fish tape for pulling cables; Hand-operated disarming tools for improvised explosive devices (IED); Hand-operated water pumps for pumping well water; Hand tools for avoiding skin contact with surfaces in the nature of small, hooked devices for opening doors, pressing buttons, and touching other surfaces; Hand tool in the nature of a fitting device for fitting the steering rack boot in a vehicle; Hand cable splicers; Hand tools, namely, hand-operated device to aid with tying and untying knots
Goods and Services
Laser pointing device for use with firearms; Scientific instruments, namely, electronic analyzers for testing consumer products for the presence of contaminants; Downloadable game software for use in virtual environments; Wireless communication devices for transmitting images taken by a camera; Photonic microchips; Scanner for capturing images for analysis for use in the life science research field; Optical apparatus, namely, a non-lethal security device that uses a light source to detect, warn, repel, temporarily blind, disorient, nauseate, disable, confuse, debilitate, stun, subdue, stop, or incapacitate persons or animals; Cables for earthing; Electronic devices for activating and resetting TPMS (tire pressure monitoring system) sensors; Downloadable computer software for managing cryptocurrency transactions using blockchain technology; Electric control devices for heating and energy management; Battery starter cables; Antennas; Buoyancy compensator devices for divers; Radar antennas; Laboratory devices for detecting genetic sequences; Emergency notification system comprised of a data processor and a user input device for connecting the data processor to an emergency response entity through a communication network and allowing audio and data communication between the processor and the entity; Speed limiters for limiting vehicle engine speed, namely, aftermarket, add-on devices for vehicles in order to limit the maximum speed output of an automobile; Wearable electronic proximity sensors with embedded contact tracing software for workers, assets, and early warning sensors among wearers; High frequency mobile and sea-based communication antennas; Tethers specially adapted for maintaining a secure connection between data cables and electronic device ports; Connection cables; Telecommunication cables; Downloadable virtual goods in the nature of image files of shoes for use in online virtual environments; Instrument to facilitate text-messaging in the nature of a stylus-type device that is attached to the hand for use in conjunction with personal digital assistants; Mobile phones; Safety products, namely, reflective helmet skirts; Cables for electrical or optical signal transmission; Fibre optic cables; Software as a Medical Device (SaMD), downloadable, for tracking physical changes of skin moles to determine the risk of melanoma; Hand-held device comprised of chemical and heat sensors for the detection of explosives; Software as a Medical Device (SaMD), downloadable, for measuring and displaying the electrical signal produced by the heart; Reels for electric cables; Smart home hubs comprised of voice-activated speakers, computer hardware, and recorded software for anya; Calibration devices for calibrating Industrial X-ray apparatus in the nature of testing equipment for determining industrial flaws; Electrical power devices, namely, multimedia outlets; Electronic test and measurement devices for use in the fields of networks and telecommunications, namely, instrumentation used to test and certify new and existing data and voice communication cable and coaxial cable; Electrical cables for use in connections; RF tuning devices, namely, resonators; Gas appliance alarm timer for detecting and alerting the presence of gas flow after a prescribed period of time; Cell phone auxiliary cables; Structured cabling systems comprised of telecommunications cables and hardware; Security products, namely, entry door systems comprising touch pads and security doors; Antennas for wireless communications apparatus; Automotive, industrial, construction, locomotive, aviation, navigation and marine safety-warning lights, namely, strobes, rotating lights and bar lights; Electric adapter cables; Electrical wiring devices in the nature of any incorporating tactile instructions and/or warnings for use by the blind; Electronic sound devices containing pre-recorded sounds for placement in toy vehicles; Wire diameter measuring devices; Oil and gas well downhole survey and measurement equipment; Scuba diving weights to offset the buoyancy of a user's wetsuit or drysuit and buoyancy compensation device; Downloadable software for accessing non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on a blockchain; Medical alert response systems (MERS); Downloadable computer operating system software for virtual worlds; Downloadable Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) for remote monitoring of labor progress by processing uterine contraction and fetal heart rate data during labor and child birth; Downloadable computer software for creating searchable databases of information and data; Electric cables; Water treatment equipment, namely, fertilizer injection devices which connect to a water distribution line, which automatically injects a predetermined proportion of fertilizer into an irrigation system used by a greenhouse complex; Clear protective covers specially adapted for personal electronic devices, namely, all; Receiving antennas for satellite broadcast; Data cable tether and electronic device mount for maintaining a secure data port connection, sold as a unit; Time clocks; Downloadable project management software in the field of construction, mining, civil, infrastructure, climate and social justice, engineering and or permitting or sanbox; Wireless portable document printers for use with laptops and mobile devices; Water meters; Portable and handheld digital electronic devices for recording, organizing, transmitting, manipulating, and reviewing text, data, image, and audio files; Armbands specially adapted for personal electronic devices, namely, any; Thermomagnetic cut-out devices; USB cables; Charge-coupled devices (CCD); Downloadable virtual goods in the nature of image files of Digital Twins And Or Assets, Lifecycle, And Locations for trading in online virtual environments; Public address (PA) and sound system accessories, namely, microphone stands, speaker stands, microphone cables, speaker cables, speaker boxes and sound mixers; Mineral insulated electric cables; Electronic security token in the nature of a fob-like device used by an authorized user of a computer system to facilitate authentication; Smart home hubs using artificial intelligence (AI) comprised of voice-activated speakers, computer hardware, and recorded software for any; Electronic control circuits for all; Downloadable Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) for calibrating and changing the settings of a cochlear implant based on personalized patient data; Assistive listening device not for medical purposes; Recorded software, capable of functioning offline, for normal use, private and or robotics and or other assets and or model control and safety of digital twins.; Downloadable computer operating system software for virtual environments; Cables and fibres for the transmission of sounds and images; Computer cursor control devices, namely, computer mouse; Multi-function electronic device for use in children's rooms comprising a sound producing function, temperature gauge and also including a clock and nightlight; Mobile hotspot devices; Electrostatic emission control devices, namely, electrostatic precipitators for reducing particulate emission in industrial applications; Software as a Medical Device (SaMD), recorded, for diagnosing any; Electrical power devices, namely, taps; Water temperature gauges; Software as a Medical Device (SaMD), recorded, for use as a medical instrument for any; Electronic regulating and control devices for the operation of light emitting diodes; Downloadable audio recordings featuring lectures on science authenticated by non-fungible tokens (NFTs); Electronic devices used to locate lost objects employing radio frequency; Electronic storage device in the nature of memory media for storing information collected from medical ventilators; Downloadable all assets or matter via the internet and wireless devices; Downloadable computer application software for creating image files for use in virtual environments; Downloadable digital image files of clothing for use in virtual environments authenticated by non-fungible tokens (NFTs); Downloadable computer software for accessing, reading, and tracking information in the field of of all products and industries within the Geo-Spatial Operating Economic System Per Industry, Asset, Or otherwise virtual or digital twin including records, banking, transactions, experience, specifications, placement, or otherwise on a blockchain; Recorded Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) for treating any; Downloadable software for configuring, quoting and ordering electrical distribution products; Optical signaling cables; Computer storage devices, namely, high-speed storage subsystems for storage and backup of electronic data either locally or via a telecommunications network; Power cables; Downloadable mobile operating system software; Modem cables; Lap-counting devices, namely, counters for use during sporting activities; Antenna parameter measuring apparatus; Power supply connectors and adaptors for use with portable electronic devices; Downloadable Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) for use as a medical instrument for any; Portable electronic devices for monitoring and analyzing ball movement in sports; Safety devices, namely, crane load sensors for use in preventing overloading or turning over of construction cranes; Electronic devices, namely, handhelds for exchanging data in energy meters or submeters; Fiber optic cables; Climate control systems consisting of digital thermostats, air conditioning, heating, ventilation and drying control devices; Downloadable computer software for analyzing market information authenticated by non-fungible tokens (NFTs) using blockchain technology; Water level indicators; GPS tracking devices; Home automation hubs comprised of voice-activated speakers, computer hardware, and recorded software for any; Downloadable software for inventory management; Electric cables and wires; Scientific apparatus for determining the water content in petroleum products; Electronic device for monitoring and optimizing photovoltaic arrays; Electronic devices for assisting care giving for seniors or people needing assistance comprised of sensors for determining status of person and apparatus for sending electronic alerts to care givers; Earth terminals; Electronic devices, namely, energy meters for tracking and monitoring energy usage; Fitted plastic films known as skins for covering and providing a scratch proof barrier or protection for electronic devices, namely, MP3 players, mobile telephones, smart telephones, digital cameras, global positioning systems and personal digital assistants; Measuring and control devices for air conditioning technology; Hardened units composed of microprocessors and integrated transmitters and receivers installed in the field at large scale mining, construction, and industrial sites to collect data from monitoring and control installations, to transmit the data to central processing facilities, and to receive data transmissions directed to the installations; Intelligent personal assistant devices comprised of voice-activated speakers, computer hardware, and recorded software for any; Retinal imaging display device, namely, a device using image projection technology that focuses light onto the retina to create afterimages for the user; Measurement standard devices for nanometrology, namely, measuring tools having a pattern in the micrometer or nanometer ranges; Downloadable software for blockchain-based inventory management; Keyboards for mobile phones; Software as a Medical Device (SaMD), downloadable, for diagnosing and treating any; Electric cables, wires, conductors and connection fittings therefor; Hardened units composed of microprocessors and integrated transmitters and receivers installed in the field and on board both mobile and stationary equipment in large scale mining, construction, and industrial operations to collect data from various applications, to transmit the data to central processing facilities, and to receive data transmissions directed to the applications and equipment; Cases for mobile phones; Optoelectronic measuring devices for creating touch or gesture-sensitive surfaces that interact with computer and other technology systems; Computer cursor control devices, namely, light pens; Magnetic shark repelling device comprised primarily of magnets; Electric current control devices; Micro USB cables; Safety valves for flow shutoff in well construction; Transmitters and receivers for audio and video signals for transmission over twisted pair cables; Electronic metering devices for faucets; Antennas for telecommunications networks; Pre-recorded electronic media devices featuring all assets; Electronic device for eliminating corrosion from a boat lift in sea water; Viewing devices, namely, digital photograph viewers, 3D digital photograph viewers, underwater digital photograph viewers, underwater 3D digital photographs viewers, underwater LCD displays, underwater enclosures for LCD displays and underwater enclosures for video players; Stylus pens for touch screen devices; Glare suppressant face panels designed for placement in front of display devices; Recorded mobile operating system software; Power access port for use with electrical control panels for connecting multiple data and electrical devices; Electronic devices for reading, encoding and programming transponder keys; Security devices, namely, mobile image projection device for displaying retinal images; Radio relay cables; Lighting devices for taking pictures; Force measurement products, namely, digital force gauges, digital torque gauges and manual and motorized test stands used therewith sold as a unit with the gauges; Red LED laser pointing devices that contain a subtle energy field; Downloadable computer software for controlling the operation of audio and video devices; Consumer electronic products, namely, audio amplifiers, audio speakers, audio receivers, electrical audio and speaker cables and connectors, audio decoders, video decoders, speakers, power conversion devices, power converters, and power inverters; Radio-frequency antennas; Software as a Medical Device (SaMD), downloadable, for the diagnosis of balance disorders by recording, viewing, or analyzing eye movements; Calibration devices for calibrating optical emission spectrometers, atomic absorption spectrometers and X-ray apparatus, other than for medical use; Jumper cables; Laser device for projecting a visible line on a work piece to be cut by a rotary power saw; Electrical interconnect cables; Computer storage devices, namely, blank flash drives; Electrical cables and cordsets; Software as a Medical Device (SaMD), recorded, for treating any; Downloadable Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) for treating any; Cables, electric; Wireless communication device featuring voice, data and image transmission including voice, text and picture messaging, a video and still image camera, also functional to purchase music, games, video and software applications over the air for downloading to the device; Metal grounding bushings and metal grounding clamps, both for use only as parts and fittings for coaxial cable, and not for non-electric cable or machinery or machine parts; Cable and wiring plates in the nature of protective sheaths for electrical cable and wiring; Software as a Medical Device (SaMD), downloadable, for the treatment of diabetes by monitoring glucose levels; Exposure meters for photographic devices; Downloadable computer software to maintain and operate computer system; Acoustic coupling devices; Electronic devices, namely, radio frequency repeaters used in long range communication for tracking and monitoring energy usage; Signal conditioning and communication devices for industrial process control; Cables for transmitting and receiving cable television signals; Leak detecting device for water supplied home appliances consisting of water sensor, control unit with audible alarm and water valves; Optical devices, namely, eye pieces for helmet mounted displays; Experimental devices in the field of fusion technologies, namely, superconducting toroidals; Pre-packaged kits containing electrical protection devices in the nature of insulators, corona rings, armor-rods and surge arresters and metal hardware in the nature of suspension clamps, yoke plates, all of which attach or connect transmission conductors to high voltage electric transmission towers; Optical fiber cables; Computer hardware with preinstalled software for any; Wireless controllers to monitor and control the functioning of other electronic devices; Electric control devices for energy management; Data cables; Electrical and optical cables; Filters for optical devices; Electronic instruments for use in remote inspection and measurement of industrial components using remote visual devices; Software as a Medical Device (SaMD), downloadable, for diagnosing any; Software as a Medical Device (SaMD), downloadable, for detecting interrupted breathing during sleep and alerting the sleeper; Lockout devices for use with electrical switches; Downloadable chatbot software using artificial intelligence (AI) for any and al with chain of custody; Track ball input devices; Carrying cases, holders, protective cases and stands featuring power supply connectors, adaptors, speakers and battery charging devices, specially adapted for use with handheld digital electronic devices, namely, all; Braille mobile phones; Antennas for radio, for television; Guitar cables; Charged coupling devices; Computer hardware for all; Electronic devices for measuring electric current; Printer cables; Computer cables; Connecting electrical cables; Water tank level gauges; Computer hardware with embedded operating system software; Water treatment equipment, namely, devices connected to a water distribution line, which automatically injects a predetermined proportion of fertilizer into an irrigation system used by a greenhouse complex; Downloadable computer operating programs and computer operating systems; GPS tracking device to be worn on the wrist of an athlete during endurance events; Recorded computer operating system software; Cable connectors; Downloadable computer software for managing smart contracts using blockchain technology; Photonic integrated chips (PICs); Home automation hubs comprised of voice-activated speakers, computer hardware, and downloadable software for any; Water flow meters; Downloadable computer software, namely, an electronic financial platform that accommodates multiple types of payment and debt transactions in an integrated mobile phone, PDA, and web-based environment; Cables for optical signal transmission; Software as a Medical Device (SaMD), downloadable, for analyzing heart rate data; Dish antennas; Optical discs containing software and programming, used to set-up and calibrate televisions and video output devices; Electronic devices, namely, energy submeters for tracking and monitoring energy usage; Ultrasound inspection devices for non-medical, non-destructive testing; Multifunctional devices which incorporate copier and facsimile functions in the standalone mode; Downloadable image files featuring avatars for use in virtual environments; Digital media streaming devices; Telecommunications and data networking hardware, namely, devices for transporting and aggregating voice, data, and video communications across multiple network infrastructures and communications protocols; Electronic charging devices for tablet PCs that also include features to secure and disinfect the tablet PCs; Optical frequency metrology devices; Junction sleeves for electric cables; Telecommunications cables; Electronic personal emergency response system consisting of a device worn on the body with a button that users push to notify others in the event of an emergency, and a remote unit that dials out on the telephone for help; Cable television transmitters; Downloadable facilities management software to control building environment, access and security systems; Downloadable computer programs for searching remotely for content on computers and computer networks; Measuring devices, namely, fluorometers; Cables for electrical and optical signal transmission systems; Stands for handheld digital electronic devices, namely, all and chains of custody tracked typical aon all; Iris recognition security devices; Hands free devices for mobile-phones; Home automation hubs using artificial intelligence (AI) comprised of voice-activated speakers, computer hardware, and downloadable software for any; Connecting devices for photographic equipment, namely, cable connectors; Electronic anti-theft system comprised of a bar code scanner that allows manufacturers to temporarily disable electronic goods during the manufacturing process and allows retailers to enable such goods upon receiving the purchase price for the goods; Telecommunications hardware and recorded software for monitoring and alerting remote sensor status via the Internet sold as a unit; Computer apparatus, namely, a converter that superimposes an Ethernet signal on an existing cable; Calibration devices for calibrating X-ray diagnostic apparatus other than for medical use; Computer network interface devices; Safety products, namely, reflective safety bands to be worn on the body; Headsets for cellular or mobile phones; Extension cables; Downloadable Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) for wireless remote control of and synchronization of computed tomography (CT) apparatus; Input devices for computers; Protection and safety apparatus, namely, inflatable flotation devices; Recorded Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) for diagnosing and treating any; Recording and playing devices for sound and image carriers; Hand-held security device that disables assailants using flashing light emitting diodes; Golf accessories in the nature of magnetic mounting devices for range finders; Scientific apparatus and instruments, namely, fluid handling device used for disposable bioprocessing applications and parts and fittings therefor; Experimental devices in the field of fusion technologies, namely, cryostats; Electrical switchgear, namely, voltage boosting devices for electric power lines; Downloadable accounting software for use in the construction industry for contract bidding and job accounting; Remote control transmitter for radio-controlled devices; Downloadable Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) for diagnosing any; Downloadable computer software for managing and validating cryptocurrency transactions using blockchain-based smart contracts; Chipsets for connecting multimedia home devices, home and VoIP phones and digital cordless phone devices; Display screen protectors for providing shade and privacy specially adapted to electronic devices, namely, all; Calibration devices for calibrating pumps, gas, liquid, solids and bulks, truck scales, flows and etc; Electrical leak detection hardware with embedded operating system software; Electronic devices used to locate lost articles employing the global positioning system or cellular communication networks; Downloadable communication software to access data stored on an oximeter and transfer data to another device; Styluses for touch screen devices; Adapter cables for headphones; Downloadable computer software for redistricting, namely, aggregating smaller geographical areas into multiple larger areas; Downloadable virtual goods in the nature of image files of transactions, experience, contracts for use in online virtual environments; Electric charging cables; Electronic apparatus and devices for controlling access to pay-television services; GPS navigation device; Laboratory instruments, namely, radiation devices in the nature of ultraviolet, visible, or infra-red light boxes for the analysis of bodily fluids; Laboratory apparatus, namely, handheld devices containing a disc for the processing of buccal cells; Optical cables; Electrical controlling devices; Home automation hubs using artificial intelligence (AI) comprised of voice-activated speakers, computer hardware, and recorded software for any; Scientific apparatus, namely, sensing and signaling devices for measurement and quality control of materials processing by laser; Optical fibers sold as a component of fiber optical cables; Electronic devices for timing pigeons; Electric wires and cables; Electronic and optical communications instruments and components, namely, cable television transmitters; Software as a Medical Device (SaMD), downloadable, for use as electrocardiographs; Electronic products for the generation, measurement, and analysis of audio signals, namely, audio analyzers; Electronic combiners for connecting antennas and receivers; Electronic location and immobilization devices installed after purchase for use with vehicles; Laser-emitting devices for projecting targets when parking vehicles; Electronic devices for animal locating and tracking programmed to use global positioning systems (GPS) and cellular communications; Component video cables; Wireless transceivers with collection and display technology for the status and tracking of retail goods from the backdoor to the shelf; Computer peripheral devices; Electromechanical devices for preventing squirrels and other animals from accessing bird seed in feeders; High definition multimedia interface cables; Electronic text-messaging device for use in conjunction with personal digital assistants; Television antennas; USB cables for cellphones; Electric cables for the transmission of sounds and images; Recorded Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) for use as a medical instrument for any; Cables for the transmission of sounds and images; Downloadable electronic game software for wireless devices; Telephone call screening and blocking device consisting of a microprocessor that uses the telephone cord between the telephone and wall jack for the purpose of blocking unwanted calls; Electronic video surveillance products, namely, electronic components of security systems; Mounting devices for photographic equipment; Wireless electronic devices for locating and tracking assets; Cable television converters; Computer hardware and recorded computer software for retail inventory management, sold as a unit; Downloadable computer game software via a global computer network and wireless devices; Wave reflectors for acoustic speakers, lighting apparatus, and air flow devices; Remote controls for all; Sleeves for electric cables; Recorded operating system programs; Electrical cables for musical instruments; Cable television receivers; Drawing tablets being computer input devices; Microcontrollers for internet of things (IoT) enabled devices; Portable wrist-mounted digital electronic device for audio recording and audio playback; Automated self contained electronic surveillance devices that can be deployed to gather evidence or intelligence in remote locations; Battery charging devices for motor vehicles; Monitoring devices for the aquaculture industry used to monitor dissolved oxygen and temperature; Aerial cables for heavy currents; Hardened units composed of microprocessors and integrated transmitters and receivers installed in the field, affixed to equipment, or worn by personnel at large scale mining, construction, and industrial sites to transmit telemetry data on equipment and personnel to central processing facilities and to receive automated proximity alerts of other equipment or personnel for operations and safety management systems; Downloadable computer operating system software; Devices for wireless radio transmission; Downloadable software for connecting, operating, and managing networked any in the internet of things (IoT); Sheaths for electric cables; Drum units for printers, facsimile machines, scanners, copying machines and multifunction electronic devices for use in copying, printing, scanning, video capture and/or transmitting documents and images; Downloadable mobile applications for downloading and reading electronic publications on portable electronic devices; Security personnel's time recorders, namely, a device for recording the activities of security personnel to insure their arrival at scheduled checkpoints; Vehicle locator and recovery device programmed to use global positioning systems (GPS) and cellular telecommunications; External computer hard drives; Plastic case used as a security device for protecting and securing DVDs and other magnetic and electronic media from theft; Smart home hubs using artificial intelligence (AI) comprised of voice-activated speakers, computer hardware, and downloadable software for any; Fibre-optic cables; Computer memory devices; Wireless controllers to remotely monitor and control the function and status of other electrical, electronic, and mechanical devices or systems, namely, all, water, treatment, and or any and all devices in contained or not envronmoents; Computer hardware and peripheral devices; Circuit overload protector devices; Video cables; Data synchronization cables; Receivers for receiving cable television; Electronic security and surveillance devices, namely, electronic security tags and labels, acoustic tags, magnetic tags; Software as a Medical Device (SaMD), downloadable, for use as a medical instrument for any; Downloadable Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) for wireless remote control of and synchronization of X-Ray machines; Cameras for use with construction equipment, namely, Spectral, Molecular, photonic, lidar, invisible light, near invisible light, phonon, air, drone, xray, ultrasound, photogamatry, nerf, radar, ticketing, compaction and radiology id, or otherwise mineral identification through composition fingerprinting, contamination and other contaminate tracking and identifications; Electronic equipment, namely, transformers, baluns, and cables, all used in connection with computers, computer peripheral devices, televisions, audio-video equipment, closed-circuit TV equipment and telecommunication equipment; Electrical plug device enabling connection and disconnection of power and/or control cables; Electronic device to charge and secure tablet PCs; Car antennas; Antenna amplifiers; LAN computer cards for connecting portable computer devices to computer networks; Recorded computer search engine software; Laser-beam-emitting device which projects right angles for construction purposes; Underwater power cables; Downloadable ring tones, graphics and music via a global computer network and wireless devices; Audio adapter cables; Electronic hubs for connecting components and self driving or recorders, remote or self driving, efficiency, errors in an automobile; Smart home hubs comprised of voice-activated speakers, computer hardware, and downloadable software for any; Electronic point-of-sale (POS) systems comprised primarily of point-of-sale terminals, bar code readers, touchscreen monitors, keyboards, document printers, scanners, and recorded operating software; Computer hardware with preinstalled operating system software; Audio cables; Downloadable augmented reality software for use in mobile devices for integrating electronic data with real world environments for the purpose of any; Electric wire and cable; Stereo cables; Styli for touch screen devices; Computer hardware and peripheral devices and recorded computer software for data communication and translating and transmitting data sold therewith; Zone plate antennas; Fire alarm and emergency evacuation devices, namely, fire alarm control panels, smoke detectors, heat detectors, alarm pull stations, audible and visible notification appliances, strobes, sirens, bells, horns, and speakers; Electric control devices for heating management; Microphones for communication devices; Water treatment equipment, namely, fertilizer injection units, namely, devices connected to a water distribution line, which automatically injects a predetermined proportion of fertilizer into an irrigation system used by a greenhouse complex; Downloadable computer game software for virtual environments; Protective cases for audio equipment in the nature of any mix or product molding or injection comound; Downloadable graphics for mobile phones; Computer hardware and recorded software systems for all; Computer hardware, namely, wireless access point (WAP) devices; Cable broadcast transmission machines and apparatus; Fire suppression systems and component parts thereof, for use in in any product or apparatus, comprised of charged bottles, charge gauges, mounting bases and straps, pull cables, nozzles, fittings, tubing, and stickers; Coaxial cables; Software as a Medical Device (SaMD), downloadable, for treating any; Heads-up displays (HUDs) in the nature of transparent electronic displays for use in any; Engine cut-out devices; Electrical cables with integrated fittings, namely, cordsets; Electronic devices for locating and tracking any using any; RFID tags worn by pets that activate pet care devices; Downloadable computer software for managing and verifying cryptocurrency transactions on a blockchain; Vacuum tube replacement devices, namely, solid-state vacuum tube emulators; Battery cables; Entry/exit security portal comprised of an electronic passageway equipped with biometric devices for identification verification and detection of impermissible items being carried through; Radiation shields for electronic products; Multifunction electronic devices for use in copying, printing, scanning, video capturing and/or transmitting documents and images; Occupancy sensors, namely, electronic devices which detect the presence of occupants and control the lighting system accordingly; Downloadable augmented reality software for use in mobile devices for integrating electronic data with real world environments for the purpose of geo-spatial, virtual, operating systems both downloadable, searchable and embedded or monitoring, identification, tracking, fingerprinting; Downloadable image files of avatars for use in virtual environments; Electrical cables; Downloadable electronic game software for handheld electronic devices; Cable modems; Scientific research specimen collection devices in the nature of any for the collection of any; Downloadable computer programs for searching the contents of computers and computer networks by remote control; Antennas comprised primarily of paper clips; Ducting for electric cables; Computer cursor control devices, namely, touch pads; Flexible flat cables, electric; Computer hardware and computer peripheral devices; Protective body cooling gear, namely, any to prevent injury due to overheating; Mounting devices for monitors; Semiconductor devices; Plates, glass slides or chips having multi-well arrays that can be used in chemical analysis, biological analysis or patterning for scientific, laboratory or medical research use; Lead-acid battery testing, desulfating and regenerating devices; Telematics apparatus, namely, wireless Internet devices which provide telematic services and have a cellular phone function; Computer hardware and recorded software system for remotely monitoring environmental conditions and controlling devices within a building, facility, grounds, or designated spatial area; Threaded cable connectors of metal; Cable jump leads; Computer cursor control devices, namely, digitizer tablets; Electric control devices for any smart grid or neural networks and ours; Portable telecommunication instant messaging devices; Downloadable computer search engine software; Computer cursor control devices, namely, trackballs; Specially adapted computer input device cover featuring a disinfecting capability; Antenna filters; Protective sheaths for fiber optical cables; Cellular phone usage detection system comprising a camera and a mobile phone signal receiving device; Coaxial cables incorporating filters; Downloadable software, capable of functioning offline, for use or online, streaming and with "off protective switch"; Software as a Medical Device (SaMD), downloadable, for adjusting infusion pump settings based on personalized patient data; Stands for personal digital electronic devices, namely, all; Microphone cables; Battery charge devices; Microscope illuminating devices; Recorded Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) for diagnosing any; Data access port for use with electrical control panels for connecting multiple data and electrical devices; Jump start cables; Input devices for computer hardware and electronic instruments, namely, jog wheels; Devices emitting ultraviolet (UV) light for detecting counterfeit currency and or other forensics, pollutions emmmisions and radiation; Downloadable computer software and firmware for operating system programs; Food safety monitoring devices, namely, all and transit; Vehicle locating, tracking and security system comprised of an antenna and radio transmitter to be placed in a vehicle; Parabolic antennas; Downloadable chatbot software for any and al with chain of custody; Downloadable computer software for analysing market information authenticated by non-fungible tokens (NFTs) using blockchain technology; Electronic cables; Telecommunications equipment, namely, fiber-optic transceivers, fiber optic repeaters, converters and optimizers, wave division multiplexers, free-space optics transmission systems, switches including Ethernet switches and routers, fiber-to-the-home and ethernet-over-VDSL access aggregators, terminators and repeaters, and remote presence management products, namely, switches, and console, alarm, sensor and power management devices; Echo sounding devices; Device for testing the function and effectiveness of smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors and heat detectors featuring an aerosol spray; Earth cables; Downloadable operating system programs; Portable listening devices, namely, MP3 players; Downloadable virtual goods in the nature of image files of eyewear for use in online virtual environments; Devices for hands-free use of mobile phones; Control systems for airport baggage handling systems, consisting of a single or multiple programmable controllers (PLC) with input and output features for digital devices, with capability of being connected to external supervisory computers; Experimental devices in the field of fusion technologies, namely, superconducting poloidals; Downloadable intelligent personal assistant software for all industries within combined Social Operating System Real Time Digital Twin or NFT, Tokenized or Blockchain; Ethernet cables; Cable junctions for electric cables; Electronic devices for detecting and locating any using any; Downloadable computer operating software for virtual environments; Experimental devices in the field of fusion technologies, namely, poloidal diverters; Entertainment system comprising a computer, multiple image display screen, multiple input devices and a printer; Mechanical devices, namely, dispensers of preset portions of fluids, solid granules and powder for dosing purposes, all not for medical use; Cases for audio cables; Cable locators; Protective clothing with air-conditioning function by the integration of phase change cooling devices for cooling people, namely, vests for cooling surgeons, nurses and medical personnel; Wireless communication devices for voice, data or image transmission; Batteries for mobile phones; Electronic products for the manipulation of the frequency, time, and amplitude characteristics of audio signals, namely, audio processors; Electronic measuring device that displays a manual wheelchair user's propulsion activity, namely, number of pushes, distance traveled, speed, and cadence; In-ground traffic lights being signalling devices; Driver impairment detection device in the nature of a fingerprint recognition scanner that activates a timing mechanism to determine the driver's fitness to drive the vehicle; Electrical arc detection and suppressing device used in low voltage switchgear
Goods and Services
Medical device, namely, a tele-robotic system consisting of a motorized catheter positioner having rotational and translational movement capability and a tele-robotic controller with rotation, translation and deflection control buttons, to facilitate remote catheterizations; Devices for measuring blood sugar for medical purposes; Attachments for medical injection devices to aid in stabilizing flow during injection of pharmaceuticals; Medical device that scans the eyes for assessment of traumatic brain injury; Health monitoring devices consisting of blood pressure monitors, thermometers and pedometers; Medical device for detecting cancer; Medical apparatus, namely, bi-level positive airway pressure (BPAP) devices; Medical device, namely, a device for improving cardiac performance through aortic flow therapy; Medical apparatus, namely, an injectable oxygen delivery system comprising an oxygen device which produces nanobubbles and nanobatteries to prevent or treat eye disease; Medical device, namely, chemiluminescent light for use in endoscopic exams; Light emitting devices, namely, lamps and LED devices for treatment of a variety of skin conditions; Devices for measuring intracranial pressure; Medical and surgical apparatus and instruments, namely, orthopedic fixation device used in orthopedic transplant and/or implant surgery; Thrombus monitoring devices; Sample preparation device for medical diagnostic uses; Surgical devices and instruments; Medical devices, namely, pulse oximeters; Medical apparatus, namely, variable positive airway pressure devices (VPAP); Surgical and medical implant devices composed of artificial materials, namely, vertebral staple-shaped implants; Medical device for correcting vertebral alignment; Medical devices and apparatus, namely, medical guidewires and parts and fittings therefor; Adjustable sit-to-stand assistive device for use by mobility-impaired individuals comprised of dual support handles and a frame that fits underneath chair cushions; Medical device, namely, a small cushioned rope embedded with activated charcoal to be worn across a person's anus for minimizing the sound and odor of flatulence; Medical apparatus, namely, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) devices; Medical imaging apparatus with embedded operating system software; Medical devices for monitoring blood oxygen saturation, blood gas concentrations and vital signs; Medical devices, namely, tubing and bag assembly set and other similar or related devices, which process and treat human platelets with clinical medical reagents for the purpose of enabling the refrigerated storage of human platelets for blood groups for use in blood transfusions; Devices for monitoring blood glucose for medical purposes; Medical devices for use in cannulation or to stem the flow of traumatic bleeding, namely, tourniquets; Medical imaging apparatus for as individual applications or industry within the main OS incorporating recorded operating system software; Medical devices for use in diagnosing ALL MEDICAL, PHARMACY, AND AL DMR; Portable urine collection device comprised of any; Portable medical devices with sensors to monitor the physical movements of a patient wearing or carrying the device; Powder jet devices for dental use; Medical imaging devices for all; Medical devices, namely, infusion pumps for delivering measured amounts of solutions into the bloodstream over time; Sound processors adapted for use with prosthetic hearing devices; Medical testing devices for measuring hearing loss in patients, namely, audiometers; Medical apparatus, namely, electric heating devices for curative treatment; Pocket mobile urine collection device comprised of a plastic bag filled with a gelling agent that solidifies urine on contact; Implantable radiation therapy devices consisting of radioactive seeds with or without a bioabsorbable carrier assembly; Medical devices and apparatus, namely, mesh graft made primarily of artificial materials for pelvic floor reconstruction; Medical apparatus, namely, an ear wash device in the nature of a container to be filled with appropriate fluid by the user for flushing ear wax from the ear; Medical device, namely, a device for measuring leg movements during sleep; Medical diagnostic apparatus for testing as individual applications or industry within the main OS incorporating recorded operating system software; Textile covers for straps on facially oriented medical device; Medical devices for use in treating or diagnosing any with integrated recorded software for any, sold as a unit; Electronic aesthetic skin treatment devices using light emitting diodes, namely, infrared, red, orange, yellow, green, and blue wavelengths for generating light rays; Intra-uterine contraceptive devices; Medical and surgical apparatus and instruments, namely, devices used in orthopedic surgery to position surgical instruments, implants and/or patients' limbs; Medical devices, namely, tubing and valve assembly set and electromechanical fluidic instrument, and other similar or related devices, which process human red blood cells with clinical medical reagents for the purpose of converting blood groups for use in blood transfusions; Medical apparatus, namely, infusion and injection devices for administering drugs; Medical devices, namely, minimally invasive neurovascular devices for the treatment of neurological conditions; Light-based medical devices, namely, a light emitting diode (LED) device for increasing the human body's own production of collagen; Medical devices for spinal disc repair in the nature of spinal disc implants made from artificial substances; Medical devices, namely, radiation devices in the nature of ultraviolet, visible, or infra-red light boxes for counteracting the effects of viruses, bacteria and pathogens in the blood and blood components; Orthopedic device for injecting drugs into joint spaces; Patient moving device, namely, a low friction pad for sliding patients to or from a stretcher and bed; Medical devices, namely, patient monitors and patient sensors for monitoring and measuring blood properties and respiratory events; Medical apparatus, namely, therapeutic devices for delivering specifically engineered pressure and gas mixtures for medical benefit; Medical devices, namely, spinal implants composed of artificial materials; Medical equipment accessories, namely, electrodiagnostic automated constant current sinusoid waveform neuroselective sensory nerve testing devices, namely, disposable electrodes; Medical cutting devices; Medical device for treating cancer; Medical devices and apparatus, namely, ultrasound imaging apparatus, scanners and needle guides, and parts and fittings therefor; Medical instruments and devices, namely, external fixators; Attachments for medical injection devices to aid in controlling the depth of the injections; Medical devices, namely, surgical devices that facilitate the identification, separation or ablation of biologic tissues; Dental device that expands the mouth to improve the field of view inside the mouth, and extracts saliva from the work area inside the mouth; Medical apparatus, namely, non- or low-compression devices for holding thermal packs to the breasts; Medical device, namely, breast localization wire and parts and fittings therefor; Posture correction device, namely, an adjustable harness to correct one's posture for medical purposes; Viscous gel polymer sold as a component of finished custom cushioned medical and therapeutic devices and equipment, namely, therapeutic braces, neo-natal care pouches, polymer custom cushioned orthotic inserts for footwear; Medical device, namely, a remote manipulation system consisting of a robotic arm, knob, deflection lever, and buttons, to facilitate remote catheterizations; Pulse measuring devices; Medical devices for Kegel exercises, namely, pelvic floor exercisers for use to treat symptoms of urinary incontinence and for therapeutic purposes; Attachments for medical injection devices to aid in holding injection needles perpendicular to the skin; Injection device for pharmaceuticals; Medical devices for use in treating or diagnosing all over and contained with integrated recorded operating system software, sold as a unit; Physical rehabilitation, physical therapy and sports medicine equipment all designed specifically for medical use, namely, shoulder stretcher using resistance cables; Radiation therapy devices; Vibromassage devices; Medical apparatus, namely, timing devices for uterine contractions; Portable medical devices used for breathing exercises, namely, portable devices used for endogenous breathing exercises and for respiratory muscle training; Medical device and surgical instrument for use in diagnosis and surgery of the gastro-intestinal tract; Implantable radiation therapy devices consisting of all apparatus; Medical devices for monitoring vital signs, blood properties and respiratory events; Medical and therapeutic device and apparatus, namely, a force and motion sensing apparatus and assisted exercise machine for the rehabilitation of any affected by neuromuscular diseases, disorders, or injuries for home or clinical use; Medical devices for monitoring blood oxygen saturation, blood gas concentrations, vital signs and respiratory events; Physical rehabilitation, physical therapy and sports medicine equipment all designed specifically for medical use, namely, shoulder stretcher using a cable; Medical devices for monitoring blood oxygen saturation, blood gas concentrations, vital signs and respiratory events, and downloadable software for recording, processing and transmitting medical data, for use therewith, sold as a unit; Medical devices for moxibustion therapy; Telemetry devices for medical applications; Warming device for stabilizing infant body temperature for medical purposes; Medical apparatus, namely, an extremity garment donning assist device for use by physically disabled persons; Electrotherapy devices for providing transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, infrared heat and compression; Drug delivery devices sold empty, namely, all; Medical specimen collection devices in the nature of any for the collection of any; Medical devices and apparatus, namely, hernia mesh comprised primarily of artificial materials, memory coil, a memory coil as a component of hernia mesh, and parts and fittings therefor; Medical devices for use in treating or diagnosing as individual applications or industry within the main OS with integrated recorded operating system software, sold as a unit; Medical devices, namely, spinal cross connectors; Orthopedic device to stretch and exercise the toes and feet; Vascular closure devices; Medical devices for monitoring blood oxygen saturation, blood gas concentrations, respiratory events, and vital signs, and also featuring a system consisting of all over and contained for transmitting monitored data through the Internet, as a component of the medical devices; Pocket mobile male urine collection device comprised of a plastic bag filled with a gelling agent that solidifies urine on contact; Medical device for treating lymphedema; Medical lancing devices; Medical endotracheal tube with securing device; Medical devices, namely, hand-held motorized, vibrating devices used near injection sites for reducing pain during hypodermic needle injections; Medical devices for monitoring blood oxygen saturation, blood gas concentrations, vital signs and respiratory events, and recorded software for recording, processing and transmitting medical data, for use therewith, sold as a unit; Medical device, namely, a device for measuring body position during sleep; Light emitting diode (LED) devices for energy-efficient replacement of standard tungsten-filament lighting incorporated into hand-held medical instruments; Medical device, namely, carbon dioxide indicators; Medical device for accessing subcutaneous structures of the human body for the purpose of administering medical treatment; Medical devices and apparatus, namely, surgical implants comprised primarily of artificial material and also incorporating processed animal tissue for use in plastic reconstructive surgery, and repair, reinforcement or buttressing of soft tissue, and parts and fittings therefor; Implantable radiation therapy devices; Medical device used for the acquisition of physiological data for polysomnography; Medical device, namely, a device for measuring arterial blood flow in the eye; Medical devices, namely, pulse generators for any; Non-invasive electronic neuromodulator device for medical use by healthy and impaired persons to enhance performance on cognitive tasks; Medical devices for use in treating all; Medical devices, namely, tubing and valve assembly set and electromechanical fluidic instrument, and other similar or related devices, which process human whole blood for the purpose of separating human blood components for use in blood transfusions and washing human red blood cells with clinical medical reagents for use in blood transfusions; Assistive listening device for the hearing impaired; Medical devices and apparatus, namely, hernia mesh and components of hernia mesh comprised primarily of artificial materials, and parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods; Medical devices, namely, bone mineral densitometer (BMD) machines; Medical apparatus, namely, a spinal fusion device; Medical apparatus, namely, ladder-type device to assist physically disabled individuals in transferring from one position to another; Medical hearing instruments and parts of such devices; Medical imaging apparatus for use in the field of as individual applications or industry within the main OS incorporating recorded operating system software; Medical device for percutaneous intraluminal emplacement of coronary bypass grafts; Anastomosis devices; Medical devices, namely, intravascular implants comprised of artificial material; Coatings sold as an integral component of medical stents and other implantable medical devices; Cosmetic apparatus, namely, light based devices providing mainly pulsed light for performing non-ablative aesthetic skin treatment procedures; Surgical devices and apparatus, namely, a breast localization wire and parts and fittings therefor
Goods and Services
Water filters; Water desalination plants; Tankless water heaters; Tap water purifying apparatus; Cleansing/sanitizing system comprising a containment enclosure specially adapted for containing an atomized cleansing/sanitizing spray mechanism for use in the cleansing/sanitizing of objects including articles of manufacture, natural products, foods and pharmaceuticals; Water purification filters; Dampers, namely, control devices used in air ducts to regulate the flow of air; Water filtration apparatus; Fitted anti-glare devices for automobile headlamps; Floodlights for use in search and rescue; Drainage water treatment tanks; Filters for drinking water; Organic light emitting diodes (OLED) lighting devices; Domestic water filtering units; Water disinfection apparatus; Water sterilisers; Hot water heaters; Water treatment equipment, namely, water filtration units; Water faucet spout; Portable LED safety lighting devices for personal use for lighting purposes; Washing machine water treatment device connected to the cold water inlet to eliminate need for detergent; External filtering device for use in a local containment area for removing oil and other contaminants from storm drain effluent as it exits storm water systems; External ballast and bilge water filtering and absorbing device for use in a local containment area for removing aquatic nonindigenous species, oil and other contaminants from the effluent; Pocket search lights; Electric water boilers; Water cooling installations; Water filtering units; Electrical heating cables; Apparatus for disinfecting water; Flashlights for use in search and rescue; Water treatment unit for aerating and circulating water; Atmospheric water generators; Water purification apparatus; Hydroponic water heaters; Waste water purification units; Water heating installations; Emission control systems comprised primarily of indirect contact heat exchangers and ozone-based control devices using gas and vapor condensing to control and treat emissions; Light emitting diodes (LEDs) incorporated into metallic and adhesive plastic reflector film for illuminating transparent balloons and similar products; Water disinfecting apparatus; Water purification machines; Electric heating cables; Water softening units; Hot water boilers; Electrolytic water generators for electrically decomposing tap water to generate electrolytic water and for removing chlorine odor from tap water; Filters for water purifiers; Water treatment apparatus for infusing irrigation water with liquid fertilizer; Electric floor heating systems, namely, cables, electric mats and sensors for floor heating systems sold as a unit; Filters and filtering devices for air and gas conditioning; Hot water heating installations; Personal water filtering devices in the form of straws; Water filtering devices, namely, water purification installations for waste water and sewage consisting of curtains and textile fabrics; LED flood lights and LED work lights for construction settings; Solar water heaters; Hydroponic water chillers; Water filtration apparatus for the deionization of water; Gas-fired water heaters; Water filtering apparatus; Humidity control device, namely, a portable container containing a moisture-sensitive silica co-polymer that absorbs or releases moisture to maintain relative humidity in a particular range; Water cooling towers; Water bottle filling stations; Water conditioning units; Water purification tanks; Strainers for water lines; Water purifying apparatus; Lighting system for use during surgery comprising a lens module, an adjustable conduit for supporting a fiber optic cable operatively attached to the lens module and a mounting bracket; Domestic water filtering apparatus; Drinking water filters; Waste water treatment tanks; Water distillation units; Electrostatic water treatment apparatus; Installations for cooling water; Water purification installations; Programmable electronic devices for setting temperatures and cook times which also feature recipes, sold as a component of gas cooking ovens, electric cooking ovens and electric deep fryers; Outdoor portable lighting products, namely, headlamps
Goods and Services
Barges; Metal locking device for trailer hitch couplers; Anti-theft devices for vehicles; Suspension arms for cable cars; Security devices in the nature of metal or steel plates for automotive aftermarket car and truck applications that are affixed to the vehicle to reinforce or strengthen door handles, latches and locks or lock cylinders; Brake cables for vehicles; Trucks incorporating a crane; Mechanical sound-making devices that are mounted on the forks of a bicycle to produce motorcycle-like sounds as the bicycle moves; Motorized, electric-powered, self-propelled, self-balancing, wheeled personal mobility, transportation device; Automobile suspension devices, namely, coilovers; Non-skid devices for vehicle tires, namely, non-skid studs; Tires for wheeled cranes; Bicycle water bottle cages; Marine vessel parts, namely, an evaporative emission control device consisting primarily of a deck fitting for filling fuel and a fuel vent; Parts of motorcycles, namely, brake cables; Cable ships; Non-skid devices for vehicle tires, namely, non-skid chains; Antitheft devices for vehicles; Mine cart wheels; Mine-car pushers; Cable cars; Anti-theft devices for motor cars; Mine cars; Electronic devices for disabling a vehicle in response to a measurement of alcohol in excess of a safety threshold in the blood of its purported operator; Bushings for transmission shift cables for land vehicles; Antenna toppers, namely, attachments to the tips of automobile antennas; Dredgers; Trucks with a crane feature incorporated; Parts of motorcycles, namely, clutch cables
Goods and Services
Sea mines; Primers for pyrotechnic devices; Firearm attachments, namely, mounts for attaching night vision devices to a firearm; Underwater mines; Devices for launching signal rockets and illumination rockets; Mines; Explosive devices for minefield breaching; Explosive devices for minefield clearance; Explosive device in the nature of explosive material and a template used by bomb squads to open containers or structures; Mechanical disarming tools with explosive cartridges for improvised explosive devices (IED); Devices for firing signal cartridges and illumination cartridges; Firearm attachments, namely, mounts for attaching laser pointing devices to a firearm; Fuses for explosives, for use in mines; Oil well shooting explosives; Cartridges for pyrotechnic products; Detonation devices for blasting underwater mines
Goods and Services
Jewelry incorporating a computer storage device containing medical information for medical alert purposes; Metal wire for use in the making of jewelry, namely, jewelry cable
Goods and Services
Violin bow-hold teaching devices
Goods and Services
Hand-held labeling devices; Plastic film roll stock for packaging electronic devices; Plastic film roll stock for packaging all; Handheld labeling devices; Industrial marking products, namely, soapstone; Writing implements incorporating tips for operating touchscreen devices; Printed materials in the nature of decals for all; Writing pens incorporating tips for operating touchscreen devices; Hand-held labelling devices; Decorative decals for all and official; Printed plans for All related industry and professionals; Handheld labelling devices; Printed architectural plans and specifications
Goods and Services
Electrical insulating rubber products; Architectural acoustic products, namely, sound absorbers and diffusers; Structural insulated construction panels; Insulators for electrical cables; Insulation products, namely, blast-resistant doors comprised of reinforced cement and steel; Cable bridges of rubber for protecting cables; Electrical shielding spacers for cables and cable assemblies; Aramid fibers for use in the manufacture of elevator cables; Acrylic-based sealants for construction particularly for use in glazing, siding and trim; Polyurethanes in the form of sheets, films, pellets, granules, and tubes for use in the manufacture of medical devices, medical diagnostic devices, artificial vascular grafts, stents, pacemaker leads, artificial heart pump diaphragms, catheters, drug delivery devices, orthopedic and spinal implants, blood glucose monitors, and blood gas analyzers; Synthetic polymer thin film coatings in the nature of electrical insulation for use in the manufacture of industrial products; Non-metallic seals for cables; Insulating water proofing membranes; Foam insulation for use in building and construction; Resin material with nylon mesh used in construction of thermal insulated transporters for hot and cold beverages, aprons and tablecloths; Extruded semi-finished goods made of synthetic materials in the form of plates, bars, pipes and flexible hoses for industrial, construction and agricultural use; Asbestos fabrics for use as cable insulation; Construction mastic sealants for ceiling, wall and floor tiles, wood panel and asphalt; Glass fiber insulation materials for use in construction; Insulating foam for use in building and construction; Glass fibre insulation materials for use in construction; Securing device comprising of a flat or round rubber band having a self contained cutting device that allows the user to break the tie without having to use a sharp instrument or tool; Sheets of plastic fabric used as an insulating infiltration barrier in building construction; Conductive tape for electromagnetic radiation shielding in electronic products; Extruded construction forms for insulation; Aramid fibres for use in the manufacture of elevator cables; Insulators for electric cables; Adhesive elastomeric tape for placement onto electronic devices to prevent slipping; Unfitted covering sheets made of polyethylene and other polymers for storing and transporting lumber, building materials and other similar commercial and industrial products; Rubber for use in the manufacture of tires, and or any other component; Insulating and protective interlayer dielectric materials and coatings for use in integrated circuits, semiconductor devices, computer disk drives and other computer hardware; Aerosol foam sealant for use in connection with residential and commercial construction projects; Adhesive sealants for use in construction; Electrical insulating mica products; Thermoplastic heat shrinkable tubing for managing electric cables; Insulating materials for construction; Plastic sheeting used in the construction industry as a vapor barrier; Insulators for cables; Insulating splice covers for electrical cables; Latex rubber for use in the manufacture of any required product or additive including bulk liquids fuels or otherwise; Urethane-based sealants for construction particularly for use in glazing, siding and trim; Electrically conductive tapes for electromagnetic shielding in electronic devices; Electroconductive tapes for electromagnetic shielding in electronic devices; Polyurethanes in the form of blocks, sheets, film, tubing, pellets and solutions for use in the manufacture of medical devices; Foam insulation materials for use in building and construction; Glass fiber insulation for use in construction; Plastic sheets for underground construction purposes, namely, covering and protecting the exterior surfaces of basement and foundation walls; Silicone-based sealants for construction particularly for use in glazing, siding and trim; Fire barrier system comprised of metal and fiber laminates for wrapping conduits, cable trays, and structural steel
Goods and Services
Pet restraining devices consisting of any for use in any; Pet products, namely, pet restraining devices consisting of leashes, collars, harnesses, restraining straps, and leashes with locking devices; Pet restraining devices consisting of harnesses and/or restraining straps, for use in pet grooming or veterinary care; Pet products in the nature of a restraining device, namely, tie-out stakes and tie-out chains
Goods and Services
Construction elements not made of metal, namely, supports; Non-metal sump reservoirs for use in construction of basement waterproofing system; Construction materials in the nature of non-metal composite panels; Construction material, namely, fiberglass faced sheathing; Cement aggregates; Stone for building and construction; Sealer coatings sold as an integral component of non-metal tiles, natural stone, and molded resins for construction purposes; Construction materials, namely, non-metal piles; Concrete vaults; Concrete mix; Geogrids for road construction; Refractory construction materials, not of metal; Waterproof fabric used in building construction for protection against floods; Nonmetallic transportable constructions; Self-leveling concrete for use in building construction; Polymeric stone dust used in construction; Geotextiles for use in connection with road construction, railroad construction, tunnel construction, waterway construction and public works construction; Building construction materials in the nature of aromatic cedar planking; Non-metal construction materials, namely, xylolith; Non-metal construction materials, namely, polymer and bio materials and or data and electical charged materials and additives for read write or otherwise transfer and connectivity, early warning and lifecycle tracking; Insulating glass for construction purposes; Construction material, namely, fiberglass board; Travertine for building and construction purposes; Non-metal forming systems for concrete and other curable construction materials comprised of non-metal modular casting forms; Concrete pipes; Sandbags for construction; Non-metallic minerals for building or construction; Construction timber; Concrete panels; Trestles for use in construction; Concrete piles; Non-metal facade panels for construction purposes; Construction materials, namely, energy conserving concrete slabs; Non-metallic reinforcements for concrete and wood building construction, namely, plates, rods and bars; Construction materials, namely, nonmetal toilet partitions; Glass panels for building construction purposes; Non-metal flash pans used in the construction industry; Construction materials, namely, underlays of agglomerated cork; Nonmetal construction materials, namely, drilled and grouted pile foundations; Non-metal water-resistant boards and panels for construction; Construction materials, namely, non-metal materials for constructing floors; Construction elements not made of metal, namely, braces; Nonwoven textile fabrics for use in construction and as a housewrap; Non-metal sump reservoirs and drain sold as a unit for use in the construction of basement waterproofing systems; Non-metal railings and facade panels for construction purposes; Erosion control sheeting or fabric for non-construction use; Non-metal storm water dry wells; Non-metal drains for use in construction of basement waterproofing system; Non-metal cladding for construction and building; Non-metal trenches for use in construction of basement waterproofing system; Non-metal concrete construction hardware, namely, load transfer dowels; Erosion control mats; Construction material, namely, nonmetal exterior boards; Non-metal fire-resistant boards and panels for construction; Mine timber; Construction materials, namely, composite panels consisting of a rigid expanded polystyrene core bonded to an outer skin of MDF (medium-density fiberboard) wood sheet; Nonmetallic construction materials, namely, drain bases and grates; Storm water management devices, namely, non-metal catchment basins and non-metal detention basins in the nature of cisterns; Construction materials, namely, non-metal flooring materials; Construction materials, namely, concrete slabs designed to increase energy efficiency and energy conservation; Rigid structure joint connectors, not of metal, for construction purposes; Nonmetal cable trays used in building construction; Construction elements not made of metal, namely, shores; Erosion control fabric; Erosion control mats for construction; Caissons for construction work under water; Concrete walls; Non-metallic rigid pipes for construction purposes; Glass mosaics for use in building construction; Construction material, namely, fiberglass faced panels; Non-agricultural lime for use in construction; Geotextiles, namely, fabric and sheeting for Stabilization and or insulating aggregates; Construction material, namely, nonmetal exterior panels; Erosion control sheeting or fabric for construction use; Concrete floors; Construction materials in the nature of non-metal composite panels composed primarily of additives and volumetric feeding orders for robotics and 3d printers and or mix and spec design; Water treatment equipment, namely, non-metal water storage basins for collecting and storing water; Construction materials namely, energy conserving precast concrete slabs; Concrete bollards; Marine products, namely, bumpers or pads for pilings or dock posts; Non-metal casings for use in building or construction; Concrete sculptures; Non-metal decorative moldings and decorative trim for use in building construction; Concrete; Construction material, namely, fiberglass panels; Construction materials, namely, composite panels comprising primarily of a reinforced cement core that is mechanically bonded to steel sheets on both outer surfaces for use in barriers and doors
Goods and Services
Plastic caps for pill bottles featuring a device that assists the patient with reminders, feedback, accountability and timely refills of the prescription, with or without wireless or cellular connection; Pillow-like device comprising plastic core, fabric, and cushion material to be worn on arm or leg while sleeping or at rest; Non-metal hardware for use in descending ropes, namely, belay devices; Non-metal profiles for arranging devices on and in walls, ceilings and other surfaces; Non-metal cable clamps; Non-metal hardware, namely, wall-mounted brackets for storing any; Non-metal cable clips; Non-metal mats for use as load support surfaces in the construction industry; Plastic ducts and couplings for organizing and holding fiber optic and similar cable and wiring; Wood products, namely, composite panels, particleboard and fiberboard for use in further manufacturing; Clips, not of metal, for cables and pipes; Non-electric, plastic sports scoring device using manual dials that allow spectators to keep track of scores and other data at sports events; Plastic pillow-like device to be worn on an arm while sleeping or at rest; Non-electric, plastic devices for attachment to dishwashers to visually remind users that dishes are clean; Kits for marking electrical cables, electrical apparatus and instruments and electrical installations, namely, plastic transparent sleeves, plastic transfer strips, plastic identification tags and marking tools; Oil and gas well equipment, namely, bridge plugs and fracturing plugs composed of plastic and synthetic rubber for controlling pressure or fluids downhole; Non-metal pipe and cable clips
Goods and Services
Fused quartz as a semi-finished product, namely, ingots, tubes, rods, discs, plates and rings all for general industrial and further manufacturing use; Water bottles sold empty; Mosaics of glass and ceramic tiles, not for construction; Free-standing and wall-mounted containers made of acrylic glass for depositing a written message or prayer wishing a loved one well, for use in hospitals, elder care residences, schools, and institutions; Buckets with an insert that prevents spills, splashes and drips, used to contain paint as well as other liquids; Swimming pool products, namely, glass granules used in pool filters; Oral hygiene devices, namely, interdental cleaners; Earthen pots; Fused silica as a semi-finished product, namely, ingots, tubes, rods, discs, plates and rings all for general industrial and further manufacturing use; Christmas tree watering device in the nature of a funnel; Sprinkling devices in the form of perforated stakes that connect to hoses to deliver water to the roots of trees, shrubs, and plants; Pet grooming device comprising a sprayer nozzle and an attachment that connects to a water source and to a reservoir for a conditioning agent
Goods and Services
Rubber cable ties and straps for fastening and securing objects such as bundles of wire together; Non-metallic cables; Non-electric cables, not of metal; Mooring cables, not of metal; Vehicle rescue apparatus, namely, rope cables used to affix between vehicles to pull a jammed or stuck door of one of the vehicles; Non-metal cable ties; Cable ties, not of metal; Cables, not of metal; Securing device comprising of a flat or round soft plastic band and having a self contained cutting device that allows the user to break the tie without having to use a sharp instrument or tool
Goods and Services
Gloves with conductive fingertips that may be worn while using handheld electronic touch screen devices; Thermal gloves for tapping touchscreen devices; Leg shielding device, attachable to and detachable from a person's pants, comprised of padding to shield the legs from flying debris when mowing with a string trimmer
Goods and Services
Construction toys incorporating magnets; Electronic gaming machines, namely, devices which accept a wager; Screen protectors comprised of any and apparatus including halo or laser or projector, virtual reality, immersive lenses, goggles xr xd etc adapted for use with portable gaming devices; Toy construction sets; Toy construction blocks; Archery equipment, namely, any, any weapon , cartridge, component, grip and or ammo; Exercise equipment, namely, shoulder stretcher using a cable; Gaming machines, namely, devices which accept a wager; Sport fishing accessory, namely, a device which holds the lip of a fish caught by an angler for ease of landing, weighing and release; Construction toys; Gaming devices, namely, gaming machines, slot machines, bingo machines, with or without video output; Playing card shuffling device; Amusement devices, namely, bounce houses in the nature of an air inflated cushion in an air inflated structure; Gaming machines featuring a device that accepts wagers; Exercise equipment, namely, shoulder stretcher using resistance cables; Interlocking construction toys; Kick board flotation devices for recreational use; Playing card game accessories, namely, playing card cases, playing card holders, mats for use in connection with playing card games, playing card shuffling devices and dice; Treestands for hunting having a construction that mechanically joins the components of the stand together for a secured connection; Finger puppets that may be worn while using electronic touch screen devices
Goods and Services
Still water; Distilled drinking water; Mineral and aerated water; Glacial water; Purified bottled drinking water; Purified drinking water; Quinine water; Mineral water; Aerated water; Bottled drinking water; Spring water; Aerated mineral water
Goods and Services
Electronic devices for the inhalation of nicotine-containing aerosols; Devices for heating tobacco substitutes for the purpose of inhalation; Devices for heating tobacco for the purpose of inhalation
Goods and Services
Provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of downloadable virtual goods authenticated by non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for use in virtual environments; Sponsorship search consultancy services; Procurement consultation, namely, analysis and redefinition of purchasing processes; Transportation logistics services, namely, arranging the transportation of goods for others; Consultation in the field of procurement of goods and services; Coupon procurement services for others; Procurement services, namely, procurement of contracts for others for the purchase of energy; Promoting the goods and services of others by providing a website featuring coupons, rebates, price-comparison information, product reviews, links to the retail websites of others, and discount information; Business services, namely, providing computer databases regarding the purchase and sale of a wide variety of products and services of others; On-line matching services for connecting automobile drivers with other drivers who are, respectively, searching for or departing from parking spaces; Consultation and advice for the purchase of musical instruments and sound recording devices; Consulting services, namely, to employers, community organizations, brokers and beneficiaries, related to consumer information regarding health care plan options, products and programs in the field of managed care and state and federal medical care programs; Outsource service provider in the field of business operation and management of a distribution center or warehouse facility containing mail order or distribution inventory; Development, operation and administration of digital signage systems and digital advertising systems for others, namely, providing advertising space by electronic means and global computer information networks; Providing business intelligence services in the fields of medical devices, pharmaceuticals and the life sciences; Providing a searchable online advertising guide featuring the goods and services of online vendors; Providing consumer news and information in the field of educational products and services that help individuals and businesses make and save money; Providing labor relations services, namely, establishing committees with unions to promote improved relations between employers and unions; Providing an incentive award program for dealers and consumers that provides for discounted pricing for and expedited shipping of specified products to the dealers and consumers for their purchases of said specified products; Promoting the exchange of information and resources within the scientific research communities to achieve advances in the field of 21st century transformational science; Asset management services, namely, reporting on service histories, utilization of the medical assets, end of product life information and replacement costs all related to medical diagnostic, clinical and biomedical equipment; Operation and administration of telecommunication systems and networks for others; Inventory management in the field of medical or pharmacy, materials, soils, aggregates, liquids and or composites and components. mfg goods, weapons, computer and apparatus, delivery of such payloads or otherwise; Product sales information; Telecommunications network management services, namely, the operation and administration of telecommunication systems and networks for others; Online advertising and marketing services in the field of any via wireless networks for display on mobile devices; Online retail store services rendered in a virtual environment featuring physical goods and virtual goods, namely, supply houses, aggregate and or quarry, mineral suppliers, and or building supplies and products; Executive search and selection services; Retail store services featuring all goods and any product in packaging or component specs provided via through all means of sales; Business management services, namely, supply chain logistics, reverse logistics and liquidation of goods of others; Providing commercial information and advice for consumers in the choice of products and services; Dissemination of advertising for others via public and private wireless networks for display on mobile devices; Real estate marketing services, namely, on-line services featuring the promotion of residential new construction, which also contains back office solutions for builders; Demonstration of products; Providing an on-line searchable database featuring used books being offered for sale and buyer/seller contact information; Advertising, including promotion of products and services of third parties through sponsoring arrangements and licence agreements relating to international sports' events; Business management of logistics for others; Sponsorship search; Purchasing and procurement services, namely, procuring of contracts for others for the purchase of goods and labor contracting services; Provision of an online marketplace, using blockchain technology, for buyers and sellers of downloadable digital of all products and industries within the Geo-Spatial Operating Economic System Per Industry, Asset, Or otherwise virtual or digital twin including records, banking, transactions, experience, specifications, placement, or otherwise authenticated by non-fungible tokens (NFTs); Marketing, advertising, and promoting the retail goods and services of others through wireless electronic devices; Water vending machine services; Business consultation and management regarding marketing activities and launching of new products; Business monitoring and consulting services, namely, tracking web sites and applications of others to provide strategy, insight, marketing, sales, operation, product design, particularly specializing in the use of analytic and statistic models for the understanding and predicting of consumers, businesses, and market trends and actions; Providing an interactive website for users to review and rate internet content, people, companies, products and/or services in exchange for points earned for promotional items consisting of coupons, rebates, discounts or special offerings on goods and/or services provided by website sponsors; Providing an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of downloadable video files authenticated by non-fungible tokens (NFTs) using blockchain technology; Retail store services featuring any and al with chain of custody from any and al with chain of custody made in accordance with specific standards; Inventory control in the field of international or military and or otherwise; Promoting the goods and services of others through search engine referral traffic analysis and reporting; Product containment management of parts and components for manufacturers and suppliers; Product sales rankings information; Marketing through product placement for others in virtual environments; New product commercialization services; Business project management services for construction projects; Maintaining patient medical records and files using blockchain technology; Consulting services in the field of search engine optimization for sales promotion; Providing consumer product information relating to goods authenticated by non-fungible tokens (NFTs); Inventory management; Retail sporting goods stores; Arranging subscriptions to television channels for others; Online retail all goods and any product in packaging or component specs store services featuring in-store order pickup; Providing tracking services and information concerning tracking of assets in transit, namely, vehicles, trailers, drivers, cargo and delivery containers for business inventory purposes; Providing consumer product information for the purpose of selecting artificial intelligence (AI) hardware and software to meet the consumer's specifications; Providing an on-line searchable database featuring classified ad listings and employment opportunities; Transportation logistics services, namely, planning and scheduling shipments for users of transportation services; Providing an on-line computer database in the field of locating products, describing products, rating products, pricing products and comparing prices of products; Online retail store services rendered in a virtual environment featuring physical goods, namely, all goods and any product in packaging or component specs; Business services, namely, operating telepresence environments of others; Business administration of programs intended to lower health care costs and increase business productivity through employee health, wellness, and nutritional changes; Provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of downloadable virtual goods authenticated by non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for virtual environments; Business consulting services relating to product distribution, operations management services, logistics, reverse logistics, supply chain, and production systems and distribution solutions; Providing a trade-in program for used personal electronic devices of others; Planning concerning business management, namely, searching for partners for amalgamations and business take-overs as well as for business establishments; Promoting education in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) field; Financial intermediary services, namely, facilitating the channeling of funds between lenders and borrowers by connecting those with a financial surplus with those having a financial deficit; Providing an online searchable database featuring a listing of investors for use by inventors; Promoting awareness of the benefits of making health, wellness and nutritional changes in daily living to enable businesses to increase productivity and lower health care costs; Distribution of products for advertising purposes; Providing information pertaining to procurement, buying, selling and tendering information and opportunities relating to goods, services, and construction via computer, computer networks, telephone, the internet or electronic mail; Online retail store services featuring virtual goods, namely, all goods and any product in packaging or component specs for use in online virtual worlds; Providing an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of downloadable virtual goods authenticated by non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for use in virtual environments; Business management consulting with relation to strategy, marketing, sales, operation, product design particularly specializing in the use of analytic and statistic models for the understanding and predicting of consumers, businesses, and market trends and actions; Provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of downloadable video files authenticated by non-fungible tokens (NFTs) using blockchain technology; Providing business information, also via internet, the cable network or other forms of data transfer; Business partnership search in the nature of matching clients with business partners; Electronic commerce services, namely, providing information about products via telecommunication networks for advertising and sales purposes; Advertising and marketing services provided by means of indirect methods of marketing communications, namely, social media, search engine marketing, inquiry marketing, internet marketing, mobile marketing, blogging and other forms of passive, sharable or viral communications channels; Provision of consumer information and advice regarding the selection of products and items to be purchased; Consumer strategy business consulting in the fields of marketing, sales, operation, and product design particularly specializing in the use of analytic models for the understanding and predicting of consumer, business, and retail market trends and actions; Providing an on-line searchable database featuring employment opportunities and content about employment; Search engine optimization for promoting the websites of others; Business consultation concerning the effects of terrestrial weather, space weather and atmospheric science on business functions and efficiencies; Regulatory submission management, namely, assisting others in preparing and filing applications for anya with governmental regulatory bodies; Provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of downloadable digital image files of works of art authenticated by non-fungible tokens (NFTs) using blockchain technology; Compiling indexes of information using blockchain technology; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of all goods and any product in packaging or component specs, excluding the transport thereof, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods by means of on-line retail stores; Labor exchanges; On-line trading services in which users post requests for products and negotiate transactions via the Internet; Labor unions; Assistance in business management and product commercialization; Online retail store services featuring digital goods, namely, all goods and any product in packaging or component specs for use in online virtual worlds; Assistance, advisory services and consultancy with regard to business planning, business analysis, business management, and business organization relating to micro credits, micro finance and energy products; Mediation of contracts for purchase and sale of products; Providing a searchable website featuring the goods and services of other vendors; Providing an on-line searchable database featuring employment opportunities and content about employment relevant to people 50 years of age and older; Barter exchange services, namely, providing commercial barter and trade exchange of products and services via a global computer information network; Providing a live forum for companies to showcase, display, demonstrate and promote new and innovative ideas, products and services in the convention/meeting management arena; Providing consumer product information via the Internet; Providing a searchable internet database of potential home buyers with the purpose of matching home buyers with home sellers; Business services, namely, providing online information in relation to resource planning for the mining and resource industry, mine planning, equipment scheduling, maintenance scheduling, finance modeling, production scheduling, materials management, quality management, human resources management and project management; Providing a searchable on-line advertising website and guide featuring the goods and services of other vendors via the Internet; Services comprising the recording, transcription, composition, compilation and systematization of written communications and recordings, as well as the compilation of mathematical or statistical data; Inventorying merchandise; Business consulting services related to monitoring, controlling, and managing telepresence environments of others; Providing advertising, marketing and promotional services, namely, development of advertising campaigns provided through cable television broadcast, web casts, radio broadcasts, newspapers, magazines, online banners, outdoor billboards, wild postings, bus and subway ads; Providing a searchable online advertising guide featuring the goods and services of other on-line vendors on the internet; Social media strategy and marketing consultancy focusing on helping clients create and extend their product and brand strategies by building virally engaging marketing solutions; Providing an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of downloadable digital image files of works of art authenticated by non-fungible tokens (NFTs) using blockchain technology; Office functions in the nature of searching for data in computer files for others; Providing an on-line searchable database featuring business information and business contacts; Reseller services, namely, distributorship services in the field of cable and DSL television and internet entertainment products and services; Providing consumer product recommendations; Providing an internet website featuring news and information in the field of natural resource management relating to the environment and public lands; Providing an on-line database providing business intelligence in the fields of medical devices, pharmaceuticals and life sciences; Business management services, namely, managing logistics, reverse logistics, supply chain services, supply chain visibility and synchronization, supply and demand forecasting and product distribution processes for others; Providing an online computer database featuring consumer product information in the field of clothing; Providing a database of information pertaining to the promotional products industry; Product merchandising for others in the nature of inventory display and shelf arrangement; Online retail store services featuring downloadable digital all goods and any product in packaging or component specs authenticated by non-fungible tokens (NFTs); Matching consumers interested in corporate social responsibility with companies interested in making socially responsible business decisions in order to sell products in their markets; Providing information about and making referrals in the field of consumer products and services for retail services concerning products, services, events, activities, attractions and facilities in particular geographic locations; On-line trading services in which seller posts products to be auctioned and bidding is done via the Internet; Executive search and placement services; Providing public sector channel strategy development and management services; Online retail store services rendered in a virtual environment featuring physical goods, namely, additives, mixtures, materials, soils, materials, professionals, building materials i.e. concrete or bio-concrete and or other materials at volumetric ordering and feeding, connected materials, engineers and other professionals, connected mappings and or surveys; Providing an Internet website portal featuring promotion and advertising for home service providers and product manufacturers; Shopping facilitation services, namely, providing an online comparison-shopping search engine for obtaining purchasing information; Inventory control; Business consulting in the consumer products industry; Freight logistics management; Retail building supply store services featuring all goods and any product in packaging or component specs; Providing ratings via a global computer network for home products and services recommended by consumers; Preparing advertisements for others, namely, preparing video advertising and promotional videos for commercial use via the internet and television, digital cable and video-on-demand or download; Business advisory services, namely, search for and selection of the best potential suppliers for others; Providing a website featuring on-line classified advertisements in the field of Search, Source, Solicit and procure management through immutable aggragated sources by best outcomes and last mile or experience and or assets, specs and continoous knowledge in real time digital twins and economy of all professionals, robotics, volumetric, firms, companies and materials etc; Providing a web site featuring a searchable price guide database of values measuring the monetary worth of rare collectible objects; Advice and information about customer services and product management and prices on internet sites in connection with purchases made over the internet; Audit support services, namely, review and analysis of a company's sales, as well as the preparation, organization and presentation of the documents and data requested by a government body, and advice on government audit processes, policies and strategy; Product merchandising for others; Cost management for all relevent in addition to combined with other industry applications or ptojects holistocally gepspatial and by an operating system in real time or mobile or PWA and or web etc projects; Business consulting service that provides transformational strategies to companies wishing to move towards sustainability and socially responsible business practices, provided mainly to the consumer products industry; Management services provided to pharmacies for controlling drug inventories; Business management consultancy as well as development of processes for the analysis and the implementation of strategy plans and management projects; Value-added reseller services, namely, distributorship services featuring computer security and information technology products; Providing an on-line searchable database featuring employment opportunities; Operation of gaming equipment and gaming systems in the gambling industry for others for business purposes; Providing consulting services in the field of regulatory submission management to medical companies to assist them with applications for medical device approval; Providing a web site featuring the ratings, reviews and recommendations on products and services for commercial purposes posted by users; Product demonstration; Consulting in the field of procuring government contracts for the purchase of goods and labor contracting services; Rating the environmental qualities and impact of consumer products of others for the purpose of making purchasing decisions
Goods and Services
Financial services, namely, proprietary trading in commodities, securities, options, futures, equities and fixed income products in the United States and overseas market securities; Online banking services rendered in virtual environments; Processing of credit card payments via near field communication (NFC) technology-enabled devices; Providing financial information in the field of virtual currency; Financial services, namely, conducting an online exchange of interest rate products via the internet and intranet systems; Real estate consultancy rendered in virtual environments; Provision of a financial exchange for the trading of securities, shares and options and other derivative products; On-line banking services featuring electronic alerts that alert credit and debit card users when a single transaction exceeds a certain amount; Financial services, namely, providing for the exchange of foreign currency, commodities, financial derivatives, interest rate products, and equities via the internet and intranet systems; Real estate services in the form of providing physical access to available properties via a remote call-in locking device; Financial transaction services, namely, providing secure commercial transactions and payment options using a mobile device at a point of sale; Financial services, namely, providing an investment option available for variable annuity and variable life insurance products; Providing financial services with respect to securities and other financial instruments and products, namely, trading of and investments in securities and financial instruments and products for others; Providing a database featuring information and statistics about patient reimbursement and insurance coverage for pharmaceuticals and medical devices; Online financial consultancy rendered in virtual environments; Virtual currency trading services; Financial evaluation of development costs relating to the any and chain of cusody industry; Financial services, namely, providing information in the fields of foreign currency, commodities, financial derivatives, interest rate products, and equities via the internet and intranet systems; Providing financial services with respect to securities and other financial instruments and products, namely, providing financial market news and commentary; Providing financial services with respect to securities and other financial instruments and products, namely, money management services; Providing financial advisory services in the field of virtual currency; Online banking rendered in virtual environments; Charitable services, namely, providing financial support to disadvantaged individuals in the United States and other countries for the purpose of facilitating health, wellness and economic development; Financial services, namely, the trading of financial instruments, securities, shares, options and other derivative products; Blockchain-based payment verification services; Financial trading of virtual currency; Financial services, namely, dealing in securities as a market maker and in trading commodities, securities, options, futures, equities and fixed income products in the United States and overseas market securities; Providing an on-line searchable database featuring education grants; Providing detailed information regarding available insurance products for commercial property and casualty, professional and personal lines; Fundraising services by means of sharing profits from the sale of socially responsible products with not-for-profit organizations, schools, and civic groups; Insurance underwriting in the field of Related data union or members or users rendered in virtual environments; Cryptocurrency exchange services featuring blockchain technology; Financial exchange of virtual currency; Financial advisory and consultancy services relating to micro credits, micro finance and energy products; Real estate procurement for others; On-line trading of financial instruments, shares, options and other derivative products; Providing financial information regarding rating changes that affect financial portfolios via e-mail notification alerts; Online real estate brokerage rendered in virtual environments; Arranging finance for construction projects; Electronic transfer of virtual currencies; Financial services, namely, providing on-line stored value accounts in an electronic environment; Online real estate brokerage services rendered in virtual environments
Goods and Services
Construction of industrial buildings; Rental of pneumatic or hydraulic construction machines, tools and apparatus; Providing technical support, namely, technical advice concerning the installation, repair and maintenance of electric or electronic apparatus, equipment and devices used for automated or partly automated industrial operations; Crane rental and leasing for construction purposes; Construction planning; Renovating and constructing homes for low-income families; Laying of submarine communication cables; Provision of information relating to the construction, repair and maintenance of buildings; Installation of oil well casings, tubing and drill pipes; Harbor construction; Construction of dams; Commercial building construction; Construction and maintenance of buildings; Providing information relating to the construction, repair and maintenance of buildings; Construction of office buildings; Drilling of oil wells; Construction services, namely, asphalt paving; Construction of airports; Construction and repair of airports and airport facilities; Construction of modular homes; Construction services, namely, grading; Construction of cruise ships; Construction equipment rental; Construction and maintenance of pipelines; Providing news and information in the field of environmentally-conscious building construction; Constructing decks; Wirelining for oil wells; Building construction for aviation infrastructure projects; Rental of truck cranes; Housing services, namely, development of real property, namely, repair, improvement, and new construction; Consultancy relating to residential and building construction; Plant construction, maintenance and construction project management services for businesses in the energy production and transmission sector; Custom construction of bridges; Information with relation to aircraft construction, repair and maintenance; Rental of lifting apparatus for use in construction; Construction of civil engineering structures by pouring concrete; Residential and commercial building construction; Drilling of wells; Constructing porches; Oil and gas well downhole coring services; Hydroelectric factory construction; Drilling of deep oil or gas wells; Harbour construction; Construction, maintenance and renovation of real property; Housing services, namely, repair, improvement, and construction of residential real property; Providing on-line information relating to building construction; Construction of piers; Construction services, namely, concrete paving, site clearing, excavation, pad preparation, grading, and asphalt paving services; Construction services, namely, planning, laying out and custom construction of commercial buildings; Providing on-line information relating to the construction of buildings; Well improvement services, namely, hydraulic fracturing of subsurface geologic formations to enhance well production; Drilling of gas wells; Oil pipeline construction; Cementing of oil and gas wells for plug and abandonment projects; Demolition of oil and gas wells for plug and abandonment projects; Building inspection in the course of building construction; Provision of construction information; Custom construction of homes; Consulting services in the field of offshore oil and gas facility construction; Maintenance and repair of earth moving machines; Repair of construction machines and construction equipment; Rental of machines, tools and apparatus for building construction; Advisory services relating to the construction and repair of airports and airport facilities; Laying of land cables; Installation of cables for Internet access; Cementing services for oil and gas wells; Construction of hydroelectric factories; Dredging; Construction project management services in the field of construction of offshore oil and gas facilities; Construction of chimneys; Building construction supervision services for real estate projects; Construction of civil engineering structures using concrete; Provision of construction information by electronic means; Construction, repair and maintenance of buildings; Offshore drilling of wells; Rental of construction equipment; Construction of geothermal power plants; Construction and repair of buildings; Construction of energy and power generating installations being dams; Construction of roads, underground utilities, and housing pads; Construction services, namely, pad preparation; Installation of theft prevention devices; Pumping wastewater produced from oil or gas production into underground geologic formations via injection wells; Rental of machines, tools and apparatus for use in building construction; Building construction, remodeling and repair; Maintenance and repair of medical devices; Providing online information relating to building construction; Customizing, maintaining, and updating computer hardware used by others to develop blockchain-based software applications; Oil well drilling; Maintenance and repair of earth moving equipment; Building construction observation, namely, static inspection, functional verification inspection, performance verification inspection; Providing on-line information to assist customers in selecting appropriate foundations for constructing and supporting street lighting structures; Provision of information relating to building construction; Laying of submarine cables; Building construction information; Construction of houses; Custom construction of houses; Rental of oil well drilling tools; Accessibility remediation in the nature of building construction; Provision of information relating to the repair or maintenance of construction machines and apparatus; Pier construction; Providing online information relating to the construction of buildings; Marine construction; Laying of underground cables; Rental of earth moving equipment and excavators; Consulting services for the construction and installation of masonry walls and structures; Construction of all related industry, mines, tunnels, channels, rivers, storm water and drainage, treatment or energy and decontamination or processing, energy storage, subsurface storage and carbon capture buildings; Installation and maintenance of medical devices; Provision of information relating to the rental of construction machines and apparatus; Consultation in the field of construction and building of horse-riding arenas; Real estate development and construction of commercial, residential and hotel property; Construction management; Construction of structures for the production of natural gas; Construction and repair of residential buildings and houses; Construction grading services; Laying of cables; Repair of construction machines; Advisory services relating to building construction; Construction of chemical plants; Construction of sports arenas; Laying of underwater communication cables; Construction of steel structures; Construction services, namely, excavation; Residential and building construction consulting; Underwater dredging to recover human remains, other than for archaeology; Leasing of construction equipment; Underwater dredging; Construction of wind power plants; Construction of residential buildings; Consultation in building construction supervision; Bank vault construction; Construction and renovation of buildings; Rental of construction machines and apparatus; Construction, maintenance and renovation of buildings; Supervision of building construction; Consultancy relating to the construction of buildings; Provision of information in relation to building construction; Construction of medical establishments; On-site construction supervision; Construction consultation; Residential building construction; Steel structure construction works; Construction, repair and maintenance of buildings, and provision of information relating thereto; Installation and repair of antennas; Laying and burying of cables; Installation of foundry products; Water main rehabilitation services; Construction of aquatics facilities; Construction of transmission lines; Consultancy services relating to building construction; Advisory services relating to the construction of buildings; Construction and construction management of tunnels and underground structures; Pipeline construction; Construction of civil engineering structures by laying concrete; Construction of buildings; Rental of electric charging cables for mobile phones; General construction contracting; Providing building construction information via a web site; Drilling of deep oil or gas-wells; Consultancy and information services relating to construction; Rental of construction machinery; Installation of utilities in construction sites; Water or oil well boring; Custom construction of roads; Construction of civil engineering structures; Construction of offshore oil facilities; Rental of pneumatic or hydraulic machines, tools and apparatus for use in construction; Building construction for civil infrastructure projects; Building construction advisory services; Provision of information relating to the rental of construction equipment; Provision of technical information in the field of building construction; Construction project management services; Construction services, namely, planning, laying out and construction of residential and commercial communities; Rental of construction machines and apparatus and provision of information relating thereto; Construction information services; Construction of modular buildings; Repair and maintenance of earth moving machines; Building construction supervision services relating to shopping centers, industrial complexes, office buildings, residential buildings and other real estate developments; Building construction; Construction project management services in the field of engineering, civil, hydrology and any other related; Advisory services relating to building construction excavating; Providing information in the field of mobile hydraulic construction equipment in the nature of winches, gear boxes, and load systems; Building construction consultancy services; Construction of wave energy power plants; Providing information relating to building construction; Construction of factories; Clearing of wells; Construction of structures for the storage of crude oil; Custom construction of motorways; Providing building construction information via a website; Road construction; Construction supervision; Rental of construction and building equipment; Custom construction of ships; Factory construction; Cable laying services; Boring of wells; Construction of decks; Construction of plunge pools; Custom construction of factories; Underwater construction; Construction of pipelines; Building construction for rail infrastructure projects; Rental of aerial work platforms for use in construction; Providing information relating to the repair or maintenance of construction machines and apparatus; Construction of shopping centers; Repair and maintenance of medical devices; Laying and construction of pipelines; Construction services, namely, concrete paving; Repair of construction equipment; Charitable services, namely, renovating and constructing homes for low income families; Custom building construction; Technical consultation in the field of building construction; Construction consultancy; Building construction supervision; Maintenance of construction machines; Construction and repair of houses; Mining for rare earth; Rental of robots for building construction; Earthworks services in the nature of excavating for building construction; Construction of buildings, roads, bridges and dams; Cleaning of wells; Construction project management services in the field of construction of renewable energy and energy generation equipment support structures and ancillary structures for supporting meteorological data gathering equipment; Cleaning-up of trash found in and around the ocean; Laying of cable; Construction of fair stalls and shops; Consulting services in the field of construction of wind energy facilities; Installation of basement waterproofing products; Construction of building interiors; Installation and maintenance of digital signage and audio visual products sold therewith; Street construction; Technical consultation in the field of building materials, namely, cementitious materials, asphalt and aggregates; Providing information relating to the rental of construction machines and apparatus; Hydro-electric factory construction; Laying of sea cables; Pipeline construction and maintenance; Providing construction information; Repair of construction testing equipment; Construction, repair and maintenance of buildings, and providing information relating thereto; Construction of swimming pools; Construction of civil engineering structures by forming concrete; Repair of construction machines and equipment; Repair or maintenance of construction machines and apparatus; Construction of structures for the transportation of natural gas; Construction of structures for the production of crude oil; Custom construction of buildings; Construction and installation of masonry walls and structures; Construction services, namely, planning, laying out and custom construction of residential and commercial communities; Oil well casing, tubing, and drill pipe installation; Construction services, namely, manhole adjusting; Providing information relating to the rental of construction equipment; Rental of construction machines and apparatus and providing information relating thereto; Underwater building and construction; Construction of oil pipelines; Consultancy services relating to the construction of buildings; Construction of porches; Construction of sunrooms; Rental of elevating work platforms for use in construction; Building construction supervision services for building projects; Information concerning rental of equipment for constructions and buildings; Construction of buildings, dams and bridges; Consultation services in the field of construction of environmentally-conscious buildings; Installation of solar energy systems and alternative energy products for residential and commercial use; Pipeline construction and maintenance services; Construction services, namely, installation of environmental containment systems; Building construction and repair; Consultancy relating to building construction supervision; Cable laying; Construction of shopping centres; Laying and burial of cables; Warehouse construction and repair; Construction of offshore gas facilities; Consulting in the field of hospital construction; Building construction supervision services relating to shopping centres, industrial complexes, office buildings, residential buildings and other real estate developments; Consultancy and information services in the field of construction; Well drilling; Construction of telecommunication towers; Building construction excavation services; Repair of medical devices; Consulting services for the construction of water treatment and purification plants, solid waste treatment plants and other municipal infrastructure facilities; Building construction services; Repair of traffic light devices; Construction of tunnels; Construction of structures for the storage of natural gas; Construction services, namely, planning, laying out and construction of a planned residential community; Consulting in the field of building construction; Construction of facilities, structures, living quarters, and utility buildings, production modules and subsea modules in the oil and gas industry; Excavation services for construction sites; Drilling of deep oil wells; Maintenance of medical devices; Installation of utilities in the nature of all utilities and renewables in construction sites; Mine reclamation services; Construction services, namely, site clearing; Building construction consultancy; Rental of construction machines; Repair of cranes; Water well drilling; Repair and maintenance of earth moving equipment; Antenna installation and repair; Maintenance of construction equipment; Provision of construction advice; Construction, maintenance and repair of transportable and prefabricated buildings; Directional drilling of wells; Irrigation devices installation and repair; Construction dewatering, namely, the removal of surface waters and groundwater to facilitate the construction of structures and pipelines; Laying of underwater cables; Consulting services in the field of windstorm damage protection of structures, in particular buildings, using wind flow control devices, shields, and deflectors; Constructing sunrooms; Repair of construction and agricultural machinery; Inspection services in the course of construction of Special Inspections and Permitting, Chained and mapped with or without Building Authorities and matching or verified against plans and or addding and making as built by drone or materials fingerprinting and delivery and ticket control; Construction of commercial buildings; Maintenance and repair of cranes
Goods and Services
Cable radio broadcasting; Broadcasting of cable television programmes; Electronic transmission of data and documents via computer terminals and electronic devices; Provision of chatrooms in virtual environments; Telecommunication services, namely, providing electronic message alerts via the internet notifying individuals of a changed status or condition of a sensing device in a security system; Television programme broadcasting via cable; Satellite, cable, network transmission of sounds, images, signals and data; Transmission and delivery of any assets or controll of including access control of and lifecycle managment and or ordering automation, access control, recalls, early warning and analytics, entry and or share, robotics and or vehicles via through the systems; Telecommunication services, namely, providing electronic message alerts via the internet; Telecommunication services, namely, local and long distance transmission of voice, data, graphics by means of telephone, telegraphic, cable, and satellite transmissions; Telecommunication services, namely, providing e-mail notification alerts via the internet notifying vehicle owners of timing of vehicle maintenance; Internet based paging and alerting services, namely, providing a web site at which users can send messages to electronic paging devices; Cable transmission of sounds, images, signals and data; Providing electronic transmission of information to persons who are deaf or hearing impaired via the Internet, telephones and wireless devices; Providing telecommunication channels for teleshopping services; Provision of chat rooms in virtual environments; Providing telecommunications connections to blockchain networks; Broadcasting of from news camera nd our source to destination and chain of custody programs; Providing chat rooms in virtual environments; Providing an on-line forum for companies to showcase, display, demonstrate and promote new and innovative ideas, products and services in the convention or meeting management arena; Communications by mobile phones; Wireless electronic transmission of any and all assets via near field communication (NFC) technology-enabled devices; Providing chatrooms in virtual environments; Telecommunication services, namely, transmission of voice, data and documents, in the field of search and rescue operations and fire fighting operations; Cable radio transmission; Transmission of SDI-formatted television and audio signals over fiber optic cables; Cable television broadcasting; Communications by means of mobile phones; Cable television transmission; Broadcast of cable television programmes; Electronic transmission of geolocation data from mobile devices; Providing telecommunications access to blockchain networks; Telecommunication services, namely, providing e-mail notification alerts via the internet; Leasing of space for antennas on communication towers; Cable television broadcasting services; Internet services, namely providing multiple-user access to information on the internet concerning the development and generation of computer software for use in businesses as well as the functions and application of such business software
Goods and Services
Product palletization services for transportation purposes; Marine lifting services using floating cranes; Product container consolidation for transportation purposes; Packaging articles to the order and specification of others; Rental of ocean-going freighters; Harbor crane unloading; Water supplying; Water distribution; River transport by boat; Transport of trash from in and around the ocean; Supply chain logistics and reverse logistics services, namely, storage, transportation and delivery of goods for others by air, rail, ship or truck; Product reboxing services for transportation purposes; Storage of farm products; Water supply; Water distribution and supply; Cable-car transport; Spooling services, namely, pick up of the cables, wires and tubing of others; Providing ocean transportation, storage and delivery services; Rental of trucks with a crane feature incorporated; Rental of barges; Barge transport; Crane rental and leasing for loading and unloading purposes; Transporting construction materials; Supply chain logistics and reverse logistics services, namely, storage, transportation and delivery of documents, packages, raw materials, and other freight for others by air, rail, ship or truck; Freight transportation consultation in the field of freight transportation by truck, rail, air and ocean; Cable car transport; River transport by ship
Goods and Services
Treatment of materials, namely, affixing and embedding color-changing product shelf-life indicator devices and materials in a wide variety of products to protect against shelf life aging and to ensure the integrity of the products; Disassembly of products for others; Water treating; Treatment of materials, namely, affixing and embedding product authentication security devices and materials in a wide variety of products and documents to protect against counterfeiting, tampering, and diversion, and to ensure the integrity of genuine products and documents; Recycling services, namely, reclamation of waste paint for production of post-recycling product; Oil well prospecting, namely, perforation and spill treatment; Material processing, namely, obtaining metals from native earth materials; Rental of water filters; Providing manufacturing information relating to the impact of consumer and industrial products on environmental preservation; Water treatment services; Waste water treatment services; Custom manufacturing of protective cases for mobile phones; Custom construction of wigs; Custom manufacture of general product lines in the field of steel pipe and tubing; Prototype fabrication of new products for others; Desalination of water; Water purification services; Treatment of materials for the manufacture of ceramic products; Water treatment and purification; Destruction of products; Water demineralization; Treatment of waste water; Treatment of water; Welding services for construction and repair purposes; Treatment of materials in the field of boat construction, namely, weatherproofing and waterproofing of wood, plastic, acrylic and synthetic resins; Welding for construction and repair purposes; Oil and gas well treatment; Custom construction of wigs using a lace wig cap; Custom manufacture of semiconductor devices; Consulting services pertaining to the material transformation of the surface of industrial products during manufacture by application of thin film polyimide preparations, coatings and resins; Waste water reprocessing
Goods and Services
Entertainment services, namely, providing online, non-downloadable virtual boats and airplanes for use in virtual environments created for entertainment purposes; Entertainment services, namely, non-downloadable ringtones, pre-recorded music, and graphics presented to mobile communications devices via a global computer network and wireless networks; Providing a web site featuring a searchable database of information related to radio controlled model vehicles; Cable television programming; Training in the use of all related sciences and related and emerging fields; Providing educational information in the academic field of science for the purpose of academic study; Distribution of television programming to cable television systems; Animal exhibitions rendered in virtual environments; Videotaping for personal inventory purposes; Providing science educational mentoring services and programs; Providing an on-line computer database in the field of culture and history, namely, providing a searchable database, focusing on prehistory to the present, featuring bibliographical records, full text journals, reference books, periodical articles, primary source documents, monographs, biographies, images, and abstracts in English of articles published in more than forty languages, related to all aspects of American and Canadian history; Arranging exhibitions in virtual environments for entertainment purposes; Conducting educational conferences in the field of eco-friendly building construction; Academic enrichment programs in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) field; Education services, namely, training educators in the field of STEM and providing curricula in connection therewith; Charitable services, namely, providing vocational education in the fields of construction and flight training to obtain pilot's license, providing career guidance, and providing group coaching in the field of leadership development to disadvantaged youth; Providing an on-line computer database in the field of history, namely, providing a searchable history database, focusing on the 15th century forward, including world history, military history, women's history, history of education, and featuring a bibliographic index of world history serial works, full text academic historical journals, periodical articles, reference books, primary source documents, monographs, biographies, images, and related to all aspects of history; Entertainment services, namely, an ongoing series featuring anything provided through thorugh the operating network or systems and devices or not; Publication of documents in the field of training, science, public law and social affairs; Educational services, namely, providing certifications and experience, qualifications in the field of Any earth and professional related fields or materials in virtual environments; Production of cable television programs
Goods and Services
Providing virtual computer systems and virtual computer environments through cloud computing; Evaluating and testing the environmental qualities and impact of consumer products of others; Software engineering services for data processing; Consulting in the field of structural engineering; Consulting services in the field of product design and development; Design of power conversion devices for wind or hydro or any pressure or energy distribution and sensors; Providing virtual computer environments through cloud computing; Research in the field of materials science; Design of engineering products; Providing graphic design services to create specialty interior environment settings; Engineering design services; Consumer product safety testing; Design and testing of new products for others; Geological prospecting using drones; Planning and layout design services for in land or subsurface and or materials and mineral deposits, layers and other related fields; Electrical engineering; Technical support services, namely, 24/7 monitoring of network systems, servers and web and database applications and notification of related events and alerts; Design of power conversion devices; Monitoring of water quality; Providing engineering information via a website; Product quality testing; Virtual testing of new product designs using computer simulations; Geological estimations and research; Product development; Product development consultation; Engineering services in the field of reducing nitrogen oxide emissions; Civil engineering relating to water irrigation; Design of geological surveys; Providing online non-downloadable software development tools for creating blockchain-based applications provided by a blockchain as a service (BAAS) provider; Computer services, namely, operating computer systems and computer networks featuring broadband transmission and energy transmission software for public utilities and others; Engineering and habitat restoration design services in the field of wetland preservation; Engineering services for the construction of water treatment and purification plants, solid waste treatment plants and other municipal infrastructure facilities; Monitoring of computer system operation by remote access; New product design services; Customizing, maintaining, and updating computer software used by others to develop blockchain-based software applications; Domain name search services, namely, conducting online computerized searches for the availability of domain names; Development of voluntary standards for eco-friendly building construction; Providing temporary use of non-downloadable cloud-based software for connecting, operating, and managing networked all in the internet of things (IoT); Design of map navigation software for mobile phones; Performing oil well diagnostics; Providing a website that gives computer users the ability to subscribe to online publications permitting searches of building codes and standards; Engineering services in the field of reducing operational costs of engines; Conducting feasibility studies in the field of environmental engineering; Engineering services in the fields of traffic and transportation; Providing a web site featuring technology that enables internet users to develop individual playlists that create personalized TV viewable channels from favorite web sites for independent or simultaneous viewing or sharing of channels; Engineering surveying; Oil-well testing; Civil engineering; Technological advisory services relating to machine engineering analysis; Engineering and system analysis in the field of home security systems; Product research and development; Environmental services, namely, technical consultation in the field of environmental science; Oil prospecting, namely, well logging and testing; Development of computer programs recorded on data media (software) designed for use in construction and automated manufacturing (cad/cam); Provision of virtual computer environments through cloud computing; Product safety testing; Computer services, namely, creating an on-line virtual environment for connected maps, nontechnical, hydrology, materials, aggregates spatial, minerals, subsurface, minerals, etc; Engineering services in the field of plug and abandonment for oil and gas wells; Geological research; Computer services, namely, hosting an interactive web site that allows users to upload, store and maintain automotive repair records, manage online records of services performed on their vehicles, and receive automated service reminders, safety alerts, recall alerts, and special discount offers; Engineering services in the field of reduction of operating costs, fuel blending, waste handling, quality performance of co-products and by-products, and chemical distribution; Consulting in the fields of engineering and architecture; Providing technology advisory services in the field of virtual currency; Providing a website featuring environmental information about climate change and bio-diversity; Product research and development services for others in the fields of food products and menus; Engineering services for building and property condition assessment; Testing of apparatus in the field of electrical engineering; Providing a web site featuring information on chemical engineering; Engineering drawing services; Research relating to mechanical engineering; Unlocking of mobile phones; Consulting services pertaining to the technology of geological sequestration of carbon dioxide; Testing, analysis, and evaluation of materials and or special inspections to assure compliance with the industry and real time stakeholders and public authorities industry standards; Providing a website featuring a media aggregator and search engine for internet content; Providing hydrological calculations and simulations of flood flows in streams, marshes, and wetlands for scientific research purposes; Research, development, engineering and testing services in the fields of welding and material joining; Providing an on-line network environment featuring technology that enables users to share data in the field of Any and all geospatial, spatial or othewise people and materials or services in the fields and sciences of earth related materials; Conducting research and clinical trials for others relating to medical devices and pharmaceuticals in the field of ophthalmology; Testing of computer software for all; Geological test drilling; Civil infrastructure engineering services; Rental of computer peripheral devices; Providing a web site that features information on beach science; Hydrologic and engineering modeling and design of measures to protect areas likely to be inundated by storm-water and flood-waters; Well logging; Pharmaceutical products development; Technical consultation in the field of power plant engineering, namely, testing and evaluation of power plant equipment to improve performance and efficiency of such equipment; Plant engineering; Providing a web site featuring information about global warming and its effect on nature and the environment; Technical consultation in the field of aerospace engineering; Consulting services in the field of industrial engineering; Geotechnical engineering; Product safety testing services; Research in the field of molecular ecology; Consulting in the field of engineering; Scientific research relating to the impact of consumer and industrial products on environmental preservation; Research and development services in the field of engineering; Computer monitoring service which tracks application software performance, performs periodic maintenance and provides reports and alerts concerning such performance; Product development for others; Providing scientific information in the field of climate change; Engineering services in the field of reducing operational costs of industrial machinery; Construction drafting; Product testing; Geological exploration services; New product design services with emphasis on attaching pockets with memorial significance to the designed goods; Providing a website featuring technology enabling users to remotely view, monitor, program, operate and control large and small appliances, electrical systems and security systems in homes, offices and vehicles; Design and testing for new product development; Architectural and engineering services; Design, development, and testing services for others in the fields of new food products and new menus; Custom design and engineering of telephony systems, cable television systems and fiber optics; Geological surveys and research; Research in the field of building construction; Providing customized computer searching services, namely, searching and retrieving information at the customer's specific request via the Internet; Providing measurements and downhole telemetry while drilling oil and gas wells; Environmental engineering, testing and inspection services; Providing a web site featuring technology that enables users to present products, services, and proposals to others for comment, and gather feedback from those others about those products, services, and proposals; Geological surveying; Hydraulic engineering and design; Development, maintenance and updating of a telecommunication network search engine; Engineering services in the field of extending engine maintenance intervals; Hydrological research; Advisory services in the field of product development and quality improvement of software; Hydrologic engineering services; Advanced product research in the field of artificial intelligence (AI); Innovation consulting services, namely, advising others in the areas of product development; Providing user authentication services using blockchain-based software technology for cryptocurrency transactions; Calibration of construction testing equipment; Providing temporary use of non-downloadable cloud-based software for connecting, operating, and managing networked any in the internet of things (IoT); Providing planning and engineering services in the field of information and communications networks; Software engineering services; Engineering and hydrological design of restoration of stream channels, marshes, estuaries, and wetlands; Consulting services in the field of design and development of engineering processes; Providing an on-line network environment that features technology that enables users to share data; Provision of virtual computer systems and virtual computer environments through cloud computing; Research and development of new products; Research in the field of cell engineering technology; Ocean exploration; Development and establishment of testing specifications and procedures for the construction and additive, lifecycle and recycling industry; Developing of driver and operating system software; Design, planning and engineering of compressed-air stations; Water quality control services; Computer services, namely, providing search engines for obtaining data on a global computer network; Mechanical engineering; Application service provider, namely, hosting, managing, developing, and maintaining applications, software, and web sites, in the fields of personal productivity, wireless communication, mobile information access, and remote data management for wireless delivery of content to handheld computers, laptops and mobile electronic devices; Geoenvironmental engineering; Marine engineering; Computer monitoring service which tracks hardware performance and processes and sends out historical reports and alerts; Research services in the field of forensic science, namely, analysis, detection and isolation of biological substances in forensic samples; Evaluation of the home building and remodeling services of home builders and remodelers to determine conformity with certification standards other than for governmental regulatory purposes during construction; Technical consultation in the field of environmental science, engineering services, design for others in the field of energy engineering, designing and testing of energy products for others; Professional computer services, namely, network analysis, LAN/WAN design, wireless engineering, virtualization and computer project management; Computer programming of smart contracts on a blockchain; Design and development of integrated data collection and wireless transmission hardware systems for equipment and for software applications associated with that equipment at mining, construction, and industrial sites; Technical consultancy in the field of environmental science; Engineering; Safety auditing to improve safety of construction workers on residential construction sites; Providing a web site that gives multiple computer users simultaneously the ability to upload, create and edit documents, printed publications, online publications, photographs, product packaging and advertisements; Locating and marking placement of underground utility pipes, cable or wires; Computer-aided engineering services for others; Providing technology information in the field of virtual currency; Professional consulting services in the fields of engineering, land use planning, surveying, and environmental sciences; Levee engineering; Telecommunications engineering consultancy; Research and development of new products for others; Conducting chemical surveys, namely, strength and chemical testing of cementitious materials, asphalt and aggregates; Computer software development in the field of freight transportation by truck, rail, air and ocean; Conducting engineering surveys; Consulting services in the fields of forensic science; Providing a secure, web-based service enabling individuals to store and transmit information, including forensic tools, to assist law enforcement and search personnel should a child or dependent adult become a missing person; Testing or research on civil engineering; Design and development of visualization technologies for advertisement of real-estate, commercial product and business of others; Product quality testing services; Providing search engines for the internet; Providing information in the fields of forensic science via the Internet; Water analysis; Developing and managing application software for delivery of multi-media content provided by museums and other tour venues for use on multiple types of wireless mobile devices; Conducting geological surveys; Rental of software, capable of functioning offline, for use of certain applciation and or the users own sandbox spins of instances and or data by which controlled and ruled by; Oil well testing; Consultation and research in the field of aerospace engineering; Scientific research in the field of genetics and genetic engineering; Exploration and searching of oil and gas; Well logging services; Engineering services in the field of reducing fuel consumption; Conducting wellbore survey services for the oil and gas, energy, mining, environmental and construction industries; Product failure analysis services; Research, development and engineering services in the fields of isotope separation and enrichment of uranium; Cartography services provided in virtual environments; Drafting of construction plans for recreation premises; Design and development of multimedia products; Programming of online, non-downloadable, virtual goods for use in virtual environments; Surveying and engineering; Product development and engineering services for others; Consumer product safety testing consultation; Geotechnical drilling; Computer services, namely, integration of private and public cloud computing environments; Providing a web site featuring information on chemical engineering methods for recycling of CO2 into transportation fuels; Providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software for accessing, reading, and tracking information in the field of of all products and industries within the Geo-Spatial Operating Economic System Per Industry, Asset, Or otherwise virtual or digital twin including records, banking, transactions, experience, specifications, placement, or otherwise on a blockchain; Consulting services in the field of hydrological research; Computer services, namely, on-line scanning, detecting, quarantining and eliminating of viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, adware, malware and unauthorized data and programs on computers and electronic devices; Geological research in the field of natural resources; Engineering services in the field of reducing carbon dioxide emissions; Computer programming services for customers that enables the customer's digital devices to process natural language queries from end users; Technical consulting in the field of environmental engineering; Environmental services, namely, design for others in the field of environmental engineering; Design and implementation of software and technology solutions for the purpose of product and document authentication and tracking, and brand monitoring and protection, to protect against counterfeiting, tampering, and diversion, and to ensure the integrity of genuine products and documents; Engineering services, particularly technical project planning and design engineering of lines for the processing of web products; Environmental services, namely, technical consultation in the field of environmental science, engineering services and design for others in the field of environmental engineering; Design, engineering, research, development and testing services in the field of polymeric materials, polymer synthesis, and materials customization for medical, scientific, and technological applications; Civil engineering drawing services; Provision of search engines for the Internet; Computer technical support services, namely, 24/7 service desk or help desk services for IT infrastructure, operating systems, database systems, and web applications; Neuromorphic engineering; Technical consultation in the field of environmental science, engineering services, design for others in the field of environmental engineering, designing and testing of new environmentally friendly products for others; Engineering services for building and property condition assessment, facility management, repair and restoration and building instrumentation; Geological prospecting; Research in the field of plant genetic engineering technology; Searching and retrieving information, sites, and other resources available on computer networks for others; Product quality evaluation; Engineering services in the field of energy efficiency; Product research; Research and development of new products for third parties in the field of plastic materials; Chemical engineering; Providing customized on-line web pages featuring user-defined information, which includes search engines and on-line web links to other web sites; Structural engineering design services; Drafting of plans and engineering drawings for others; Underwater archaeological dredging to recover human remains or fossils; Designing theme graphics and multimedia shows for conventions, product launches, trade shows, key note addresses and award ceremonies for others; Electronic data storage for archiving data from virtual environments; Testing of computers for any a[[araus or component admixture typical; Provision of Internet search engines; Traffic and transportation engineering
Goods and Services
Rental of water dispensers
Goods and Services
Medical assistance services provided via telecommunication and global computer networks for individuals with health problems through the use of wearable medical devices with automated alert and monitoring capacity; Horticultural processes and turf or lawn care services, namely, providing preparation and development of turfgrass and/or soil for providing an environment that encourages improved growth attributes; Providing an internet website for medical professionals and medical patients featuring medical information from remote locations via electronic patient monitoring devices that feed information to the web site that can be accessed in real-time by medical professionals for purposes of monitoring and diagnosing medical conditions; Providing real-time psychiatric consultation services from a remote location via any; Fitting of orthotic devices; Providing information to mobile device users regarding locations of nearby restrooms and bathrooms; Aquaculture services, namely, the cultivation and breeding of plants or animals in a water environment; Fitting of orthopaedic devices; Providing an internet web site for medical professionals and medical patients featuring information relating to sleep apnea and related diagnostic data input from remote locations via electronic patient monitoring devices that feed information to the web site for use by medical professionals for purposes of monitoring and diagnosing medical conditions; Medical screening information services featuring reminder alerts regarding medical examinations that individuals should undergo for preventative care purposes; Providing an internet website for medical professionals and medical patients featuring medical information from remote locations via devices that feed information to the website that is processed, exchanged and accessed in real-time by users; Fitting of orthopedic devices
Goods and Services
Providing a web site that features live camera images of animals for purposes of ensuring their safety and well being; Providing an on-line searchable database featuring information in the field of real property title for use in conducting real property title searches and retrieving related documents in the fields of title insurance and title examination; Labour arbitration; Security services for buildings, namely, providing physical access to properties via a remote call-in locking device; Providing a web site featuring information for automobile dealerships and customers about theft deterrent devices for automobiles; Provision of computer generated secret codes for an electronic anti-theft system that allows manufacturers to temporarily disable electronic goods during the manufacturing process and allows retailers to enable such goods upon receiving the purchase price for the goods; Tracking services for retrieval of encoded products that have been lost or stolen; Product licensing services; Providing on-line computer databases and on-line searchable databases in the field of social networking; Anti-counterfeiting consulting in the fields of product and document authentication and tracking, and brand monitoring and protection, to protect against counterfeiting, tampering, and diversion, and to ensure the integrity of genuine products and documents; Title searching; Emergency response alarm monitoring services, namely, monitoring of alert devices by a remote monitoring center for the dispatch of emergency public health and security services and notification to third parties; Providing information concerning consumer product safety; Concierge services for others comprising making requested personal arrangements and reservations and providing customer-specific information to meet individual needs rendered together in a sourcing or purchasing and procurement of professionals, products, materials, equipment, rentals or firms and or companies, digital twins; Concierge services for others comprising making requested personal arrangements and reservations and providing customer-specific information to meet individual needs rendered together in a In the field of earth related professionals and or product, services, last mile, mapping resources and research, news and alerts; Legal services, namely, providing customized information, counseling, advice and litigation services in all areas of employment and labor law for both employees and employers; Safety consultation in the field of construction site inspection and assessment; Regulatory compliance consulting in the field of plug and abandonment for oil and gas wells; Providing legal information in the field of virtual currency; Compiling inventories of personal items for others to meet the needs of individuals; Monitoring of live digital twin models and or assets and ppp or pp for protecting personal property; Providing legal advisory services in the field of virtual currency
Classification Information
International Class
022 - Ropes, string, nets, tents, awnings, tarpaulins, sails, sacks and bags (not included in other classes); padding and stuffing materials (except of rubber or plastics); raw fibrous textile materials. - Ropes, string, nets, tents, awnings, tarpaulins, sails, sacks and bags (not included in other classes); padding and stuffing materials (except of rubber or plastics); raw fibrous textile materials.
US Class Codes
001, 002, 007, 019, 022, 042, 050
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
025 - Clothing, footwear, headgear. - Clothing, footwear, headgear.
US Class Codes
022, 039
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
028 - Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees. - Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees.
US Class Codes
022, 023, 038, 050
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
032 - Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. - Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages.
US Class Codes
045, 046, 048
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
035 - Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. - Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions.
US Class Codes
100, 101, 102
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
001 - Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; manures; fire extinguishing compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives used in industry. - Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; manures; fire extinguishing compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives used in industry.
US Class Codes
001, 005, 006, 010, 026, 046
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
002 - Paints, varnishes, lacquers; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; colorants; mordants; raw natural resins; metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists. - Paints, varnishes, lacquers; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; colorants; mordants; raw natural resins; metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists.
US Class Codes
006, 011, 016
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
003 - Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. - Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices.
US Class Codes
001, 004, 006, 050, 051, 052
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
004 - Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants; candles, wicks. - Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants; candles, wicks.
US Class Codes
001, 006, 015
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
005 - Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. - Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides.
US Class Codes
005, 006, 018, 044, 046, 051, 052
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
006 - Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal not included in other classes; ores. - Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal not included in other classes; ores.
US Class Codes
002, 012, 013, 014, 023, 025, 050
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
007 - Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements (other than hand-operated); incubators for eggs. - Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements (other than hand-operated); incubators for eggs.
US Class Codes
013, 019, 021, 023, 024, 031, 034, 035
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
008 - Hand tools and implements (hand-operated); cutlery; side arms; razors. - Hand tools and implements (hand-operated); cutlery; side arms; razors.
US Class Codes
023, 028, 044
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
013 - Firearms; ammunition and projectiles; explosives; fireworks. - Firearms; ammunition and projectiles; explosives; fireworks.
US Class Codes
002, 009
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
034 - Tobacco; smokers' articles; matches. - Tobacco; smokers' articles; matches.
US Class Codes
002, 008, 009, 017
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
038 - Telecommunications. - Telecommunications.
US Class Codes
100, 101, 104
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
040 - Treatment of materials. - Treatment of materials.
US Class Codes
100, 103, 106
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
009 - Scientific, nautical, surveying, electric, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus. - Scientific, nautical, surveying, electric, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus.
US Class Codes
021, 023, 026, 036, 038
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
010 - Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopedic articles; suture materials. - Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopedic articles; suture materials.
US Class Codes
026, 039, 044
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
011 - Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes. - Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes.
US Class Codes
013, 021, 023, 024, 031, 034
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
012 - Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water. - Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water.
US Class Codes
019, 021, 023, 031, 035, 044
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
014 - Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments. - Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments.
US Class Codes
002, 027, 028, 050
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
015 - Musical instruments. - Musical instruments.
US Class Codes
002, 021, 036
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
016 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); playing cards; printers' type; printing blocks. - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); playing cards; printers' type; printing blocks.
US Class Codes
002, 005, 022, 023, 029, 037, 038, 050
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
017 - Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and goods made from these materials and not included in other classes; plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes, not of metal. - Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and goods made from these materials and not included in other classes; plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes, not of metal.
US Class Codes
001, 005, 012, 013, 035, 050
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
018 - Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. - Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery.
US Class Codes
001, 002, 003, 022, 041
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
019 - Building materials (non-metallic); non-metallic rigid pipes for building; asphalt, pitch and bitumen; non-metallic transportable buildings; monuments, not of metal. - Building materials (non-metallic); non-metallic rigid pipes for building; asphalt, pitch and bitumen; non-metallic transportable buildings; monuments, not of metal.
US Class Codes
001, 012, 033, 050
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
020 - Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics. - Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics.
US Class Codes
002, 013, 022, 025, 032, 050
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
021 - Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steelwool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes. - Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steelwool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes.
US Class Codes
002, 013, 023, 029, 030, 033, 040, 050
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
036 - Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs. - Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs.
US Class Codes
100, 101, 102
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
037 - Building construction; repair; installation services. - Building construction; repair; installation services.
US Class Codes
100, 103, 106
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
039 - Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement. - Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement.
US Class Codes
100, 105
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
041 - Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. - Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities.
US Class Codes
100, 101, 107
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
042 - Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; legal services. - Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; legal services.
US Class Codes
100, 101
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
043 - Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation. - Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation.
US Class Codes
100, 101
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
044 - Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services. - Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services.
US Class Codes
100, 101
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
International Class
045 - Personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals; security services for the protection of property and individuals. - Personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals; security services for the protection of property and individuals.
US Class Codes
100, 101
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
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