Image Trademark with Serial Number 98492685
Status: 630 - New Application - Record Initialized Not Assigned To Examiner
Serial Number
630 - New Application - Record Initialized Not Assigned To Examiner
Status Date
Filing Date
Mark Drawing
0000 - Typeset
Attorney Name
Indication of Colors claimed
Color is not claimed as a feature of the mark.
Description of Mark
The mark consists of a three-dimensional configuration of a bottle for the goods. The bottle has wide shoulders that flare out just below the neck. The sides of the bottle then curve inward toward the center of the bottle, and flare out at the bottom of the bottle. The bottle is octagonal in shape, with the central front and rear surfaces of the bottle wider than the sides. The shape of the central front surface of the bottle follows the shape of the sides of the bottle, with a curved top, and sides that flare out at the top and bottom and curve inward at the center. The central front surface is flanked on each side by a plane which meets the central surface at an angle. Each plane features an etched diamond pattern that begins just below the shoulders of the bottle and runs down the length of each side of the bottle, with slightly larger diamond shapes at the shoulders than the sides. The base of the bottle is composed of smooth, thin planes, one of which is beneath the central front surface and two of which are beneath the diamond-etched planes. The bottom of the bottle is raised in the center, and the raised section is visible in a frontal view of the bottle. The bottom of the stopper is round, while the remainder of the stopper is octagonal. The octagonal portion of the stopper is divided into three segments - the bottom segment flares out at a curved angle, the middle segment has flat sides, and the top segment flares back in. A series of indented vertical lines are etched into the bottom and top segments of the octagonal portion of the stopper; the surface of the middle segment is smooth.
Goods and Services
Alcoholic beverages except beers
Classification Information
International Class
033 - Alcoholic beverages (except beers). - Alcoholic beverages (except beers).
US Class Codes
049, 047
Class Status Code
6 - Active
Class Status Date
Primary Code
Current Trademark Owners
Party Name
Party Type
10 - Original Applicant
Legal Entity Type
03 - Corporation
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Ritu Jain
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